Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"I-" He closes the gap between us and shushes me by putting his finger on my lips.

"I already know the answer," he says, grinning. He removes his finger and goes to kiss me, but I kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Clearly you don't." He fell to the ground, cupping his Crown Jewels. Usually, I'd find it funny. But no, did he seriously just try to make another move on me?

"But Riley..if you're with me then it's okay. Ryan will be okay. I'm his best friend, and he knows me well. He knows I'll look after you, just like I have been for years. I've been keeping you safe from all these crappy guys. I've looked out for you. If you're with me, everything will be okay. And besides, we're suppose to be sharing an apartment together. Remember that? You, me and Stephanie. Well, I'd rather it just be the two of us but still."

"Parker, we can't. We aren't getting that apartment together anymore. I've changed my mind and I know Steph will stick by me too. Sharing an apartment is definitely not a good idea, and I don't know why I never realised that before. You use to be okay and tolerable, but now? What happened to you? You've changed since know. Is it your parents' divorce? Is that causing your change?" He stands up, still cupping his Crown Jewels. He looks at me and just stares with a blank expression. "Parker?" He didn't answer me and I got frustrated with him just staring into space. I make a move to leave, which finally prompts him to speak.

"Don't go," he mutters, both his hands rubbing his face.


"Because.." He stopped, making me more curious but also frustrated. He never made an attempt to finish his sentence, so I opened the door. "I love you," he breathes out. I turn and look at him, shock taking over on my face. Did he just..? I stare at the desperate man before me, the desperation in his eyes evident. I didn't know how to respond. So, I did the one thing I knew I'd regret. I left.

I left to go find Chad. I had to. I didn't know what we were, or if Parker was right. But I had to clear things with him, make it clear I wasn't Parker's girlfriend. Why? Funny thing really. Feelings are a funny thing. They're an odd thing, and they can mess up your life. One moment I'm happy and my friendships were good. By friendships, I meant my friendship with Parker. But then feelings caused things to change. Parker began his attempt to make it more obvious he liked me - which didn't go so well. I also met Chad, and feelings decided that he would be the reason my stomach had butterflies and why my mind went fuzzy around him. Feelings determined that Chad would be the one that I would go after and somehow fall for. Feelings. They change things and they complicate things. But overall, they make you extremely confused.

What do I do?

Chad or Parker?

The answer was simple, actually. My heart had grown fond of Chad, and had gained feelings for him. Parker, he was just a friend. Chad was right, the good girl always falls for the bad boy..although, am I even classified as the good girl?

Chad. My heart wanted Chad. But the question was, did Chad even want me?

I went to Chad's room, knocking on it. After waiting a minute, I knocked again and it was flung open. He took one look at me. "What do you want, you two timing-"

"You. I want you," I breathe out, shocked at my own words. Had I actually just said that?

"You have some nerve-"

"Parker lied, he's not my boyfriend. We aren't going out.."


"I don't care that we haven't known each other for the longest period of time, but.." I trailed off, not knowing what to say. Was this all moving too fast? I look up at him, his angry expression softening.


"What were you going to ask me earlier?" I ask, suddenly remembering he was about to ask me something before Parker interrupted.

"It doesn't matter. So, you're here because you want me?" Damn, I sound desperate when he puts it that way.. "Interesting," he said after a minute of silence.

"What is?"

"It's funny how I was right." He had this smug look on his face that I just wanted to slap off, but at the same time I had this urge just to kiss him. What the hell is wrong with me today? Before I could say anything, he pulls me into his room while shutting and locking the door. He pushes me against the wall with a smirk on his face.


"Be mine, princess?"


Sorry for the delay. I hadn't been feeling well yesterday and couldn't really concentrate on writing. But here you have it. But I left it without an answer from Riley. Is there a possibility she will say no? I mean, her mind does go fuzzy when she's around him, right? Well, all I can say is...expect the unexpected lol.

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