Happy Ending

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Once upon a time there was a very handsome man. He had flawless skin, beautiful eyes, a paralyzing smile, and the most beautifully sculpted body a person would ever see. He was talented in many ways. He could sing, like no other human, some say he sounded like an angel. He could dance, he could embody the music and tell its story. He could get people to follow him, by just saying a few words. This man, wasn't any normal man, as you have probably already guessed. He was in fact, a prince. His name was Michael. And Michael, was also very easily corrupted. For he would soon become so prideful, that he would force people to kneel at his feet, as he sang and danced. He would make them come to balls, where the only one allowed to dance was him, unless he chose a lady partner. 

Music wasn't allowed, unless it came from Michael himself. He became greedy as well. He taxed the people on every thing. Even simply having  a glimpse of him would cost you. 

One night, it was raining. No, it was storming. You could not see the world outside of your house through it. Michael was pacing in his hall, frustrated by the lack of entertainment he would be brought had it not been storming. He would stop and stare at his reflection, feeling better for a few minutes as he remembered it, then have to return to gaze upon himself again. As he stopped, he heard a banging on his door. He hurried to it, hoping to find that his entertainment came after all. But all he found was a ragged old woman. She wasn't ugly, but she wasn't beautiful either. Age had taken it from her, but her eyes were like emeralds, and that made him stop to see what the woman wanted. She asked that he let her stay the night, for the weather would surely kill her. 

It was at that moment Michael seemed to "recognize" the woman. This woman, was a beggar. Or so he thought. And he refused to house her. She had caused problem enough in his kingdom, and he wouldn't care if she was wiped from it. He didn't like beggars, they stunk and they only told him of how his kingdom would fall if he didn't bring true happiness back to the kingdom. He closed the door, without an answer and began walking away from it. 

He wasn't half way down the hall when the door burst open, and light filled the hallway. He turned to look and saw a beautiful, young woman being held aloft by large wings before him. Her hair was a burning fire and her clothing were radiant waves. Her eyes were emerald daggers. She told Michael that he had become to prideful in his talents, and greed had clouded his mind. He was a leading this kingdom into certain destruction. All of the people he lead were going to die because of him. There was no love for anyone else in his heart but him. And she was very displeased. 

Michael begged her to forgive him, but she could see the falseness in his please. 

"You are a thief and you only care for worldly pleasures, and can not see past the beauty which you hold. which surely has turned grotesque with pride. I curse you. You are to become that true beast that you hide inside. You will lose your talents. You will never speak to another soul."

She pulled out a single flower. Michael recognized it as a yellow-red tipped rose. 

"If you can truly find meaning in another person, and they see that same meaning in you, you will return to your proper form. But, if you do not learn to appreciate another person for who they are by the time the last pedal falls, you will stay like this, forever. You will not age, you will not die. you will poison the world with your presence until the end of time."

And then she vanished. Michael looked in the mirror and still saw the same man he recognized as himself. So he blew it off and went to bed. 

He was woken by an excruciating pain. His body was turning and cracking. And he was growing. He felt something rip out of his back. and when he looked, he saw wings. Much like that of a bats. He continued to change. and when he opened his mouth to scream in agony, nothing came out. He was silenced. 

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