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You were laying on the couch with your head in Michaels lap. He was playing with your hair and you were humming a tune to a song that you heard on the radio today. It was peaceful and perfect.
"Why do you love me?"
"Why do you love me?" The seriousness in his tone was what caught you off guard, the question a little but mainly it was the tone of his voice.
You sat up and looked at him.
"What do you mean?"
"Exactly that. Why do you love me?"
"There are to many reasons for why I love you, including reasons that I cant describe."
"Um, oh gosh, where do I start?" you were asking yourself this question, and Michael knew that so he didn't say anything as he watched you think. Then you suddenly stopped and looked up at him. "Aha! I know!" Then you, in one swift movement, were sitting in Michaels lap facing him. You stared deeply into Michaels eyes and held his face between your hands.
"Michael, I love you for you. Everything that you are and have been. I love you for the way your hair falls and the color of it. I love you for the color of your skin, no matter what it is, it still looks perfect. You could be purple and Id still love you." This made him giggle, but he soon stopped when you began talking again.
"I love you for the shape of your nose, the shape and beautiful color of your lips. I love you for the deep, wandering, wonder filled, brown seas that you have for eyes. I love you for your neck and the way you giggle when I kiss it. I love your torso and arms because being embraced in their comfort and warmth is something I could do every-second-of-every-day. I love your hands, because when they hold mine, or when you run your fingers through my hair, Im completely calm and in a world of bliss."
You kissed his nose, lips and neck when you mentioned them, and Michael-like you had said-giggled when you had kissed his neck.
"I love your legs, because they allow us to walk, run, dance and even simply just cuddle so close together we probably look like braided bread. I love your feet because when I tickle them, I am graced with your true laughter."
"tsk tsk...Im just getting started."
He went back to being quiet and watched as you thought for a second.
"I love you because of the deep, wonderful, random conversations we have, and the knowledge that you bring to them. I love your mind because not only is it creative, it can put up a good fight in a debate. I love you because of the feeling I get every time I see you. Which is much different than the feeling I get when you kiss me, which I also love. Its like an electric charge just runs through my body and I get paralyzed with bliss for those short moments. I love the way you care about everything and everyone. I love the way that you get lost in your music. I love the way that you are still a child, in a way. I love you for the way that you love me. I Love You."
Michael had tears in his eyes, he was smiling, and he was blushing slightly.
"I love you too. And Im so happy that you feel that way. Because now its my turn. (y/n), I love you because you treat me like a normal human being, you don't put up with my crap, you tell me how it is and you allow me to see it from someone else's perspective. I love your smile and everything that I see before me. I love your sense of humor and your laugh. I love the way you make me feel every time I see you, or you touch me. The reason that I asked why you loved me is because I wanted to know if what i wanted was something that we could do. I want to wake up to you every single morning and go to sleep with you in my arms. I want to have you by my side. I want to raise a family with you. I want to die with you. I want my last thought to be about how you were my life and the mother to my children. (y/n) (m/n) (l/n) Will you do me the huge honor of becoming my wife? Will you become Mrs. Jackson?"
You smiled brightly and let the tears of happiness fall down your cheeks. You nodded your head vigorously.
"Yes. Yes I will marry you."
He smiled brightly and pulled you into a kiss. You felt him slip something on your ring finger, so you looked down and saw the ring that you showed him one day while shopping. It was very simple. It had a small, beautifully cut diamond, with smaller cuts of your birthstone on it. You fell in love with it and said that if you ever wore a ring, it would be that one. But when you saw the price of it, you put it back and wouldn't allow Michael to buy it for you. But now, it was your engagement ring.
You smiled brightly at him and kissed him again.

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