Happy Ending Part 4

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Y/N stood still, she was practically sealed to the ground. The creature that just ran off at the sight of her made her feel completely alone. Even a creature that was mangled and horrific in sight, was frightened by the sight of her face. She cursed her father loudly, and anyone else that she could think of that treated her so horribly. She wished death upon all of them. How should they be allowed to live such happy lives when they were all rotten to the core? How was that fair to someone who was disfigured as a child? What kind of cruel world was this? She began crying in anger and rage, in pain and sorrow, in fear. Was this to always be her life? Was she always to be treated like the garbage that her mother saw her to be? For it was her mother that threw her away in the first place. 

In her anguish, she had grabbed the closest object to her and started slamming it against the ground with as much might as she could. All of her anger, pain, and fear were behind every swing. 

When she had exhausted herself, she realized that the entire time she was swinging wildly, someone had come upon her and watched in amusement. She stumbled back at the realization of who it was. Her father. He was standing there with a smug smile. He was getting some sick joy out of watching her fall into sorrow. 

"Well, isn't it my beautiful daughter, y/n. How long has it been since I last saw you stealing food out of our garbage? A day? 2 days? I'm sure that you haven't found anything better. How could you? I mean, look at you." 

Y/N stood there in complete silence. While this was the first time her father had spoken to her in years, she refused to play his game. Last time, she had begged him to let her come home, and all he did in response was laugh and close the door in her face. He wasn't the loving man that he once was. He was cruel. Evil in his heart. She then thought, maybe he was always this evil. Maybe he just stopped hiding it once her mother left. And did her mother truly leave? Or did she vanish? It had been so long, y/n couldn't remember clearly. Y/N shook her head to clear herself of the thoughts, she needed to remain focused on what was happening. Her father was still talking, but what was he saying. Did she even care? 

And just as the creature had done before her, she turned and ran the opposite direction. She ran as long she could. Turning randomly to make sure that he wasn't able to follow her, even if he tried. When suddenly she stopped, and stared at the large dark castle before her. She was shocked by the fact that this even existed. No one ever said anything about this castle, even before she was thrown onto the street. It didn't look like anyone was home. It didn't look like anyone had been home in some time. She slowly approached the castle doors, cautious because she knew that there was a creature roaming these parts. 

When her hand touched the door, it was as though everything that was known about this castle was revealed to her. The story of the prince before who died a tragic death, alone. And the kingdom that simply left his memory behind. He was a cruel prince, one that wasn't loved. She pushed on the door and it slowly swung open, revealing a large entry way. Two long sets of winding stairs were before her, seeming to lead opposite directions. They did not connect. Something pulled her off to the right, and up the stairs, into a even longer hallway. It had many doors, each locked as she made her way down. Eventually she found a room that opened to her. It was an extravagant room, obviously a young girls. There was a large portrait of her hanging on the far side of the room. She was beautiful, and potentially around her same age. 

Y/N roamed the room, looking through the wardrobe and bathroom. It seemed as though this room was calling for her. In fact, the bed seemed to be calling for her the loudest. She felt herself being pulled toward it almost magnetically. And when she fell onto the covers, she felt nothing but peace and fell asleep worry free for the first time in years. 

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