From crying to happiness

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*This was requested by BambiMichael, I hope its alright.*

Being home alone frequently was something you were very used to. After years of doing it, you thought that you'd be able to handle the silence that surrounded you. Well, It wasn't completely silent. There were the many workers who took care of the large ranch, they made noise and sometimes kept you company, but it was still hard without the man that you devoted your heart too.
This man was on tour. He actually was coming home today, you knew that the first day he was home would be spent winding down from the tour, so anytime that you wanted to spend with him would have to wait.
At the moment, you were waiting. Staring out the window that looked over the large driveway, waiting for his vehicle to turn the corner. While watching, you thought about all the times you had spent together, and then all the times you had spent alone. All of your emotions were beginning to pour out, when his vehicle rounded the corner and stopped at the front door.
Taking a deep breath you opened the door to greet him. He smiled widely when he saw you and immediately pulled you into a hug. Apparently your emotions couldn't be held back and you began to cry hysterically. This shocked him and he pulled you closer, trying to sooth you.
"(Y/n), what's wrong? What happened?"
His only reply was another sob. He began to rub circles on your back. Though you stopped crying, you were still very sad and felt that the happiness that you originally felt, was gone and wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. He looked you in the eyes and noticed that the brightness in your eyes had dulled and that you weren't wearing your happy smile you normally did.
"(Y/n), what happened? Why are you so sad?"
"I'm sorry, Michael. It's just, I miss spending time with you. I've missed you so much and I feel so lonely. We hardly spend time together anymore. Your either working or on tour. And I'm here, alone, waiting for you to show up. And when you do show up, you are exhausted. I don't want you to be upset with me, because I know you're busy and you can't revolve around me, I'm happy you don't because I wouldn't feel comfortable with that. But I'd like to spend time with you sometimes."
You looked down at your hands, fiddling with them, so that you didn't have to meet his gaze. Thinking he was angry with you because of the silence, you let small tears escape your eyes. You jumped slightly when you felt one of his hands lift up your chin, so that he could see your face.
"(Y/n), Don't be sorry. I am the one that should be apologizing. Wait, actually, neither of us should be apologizing. You miss me and want to spend time with me,as I do, and I've been so busy that I've neglected this relationship, I've neglected you. I love you and I'm going to make you a promise. Starting today, I will do my best to spend any extra time I have with you. I'd rather not lose someone I care about because I'm an absent husband. Now, tell me. What do you want to do?"
"We can go anywhere you want, do anything you want, see anything you want! Choose anything. Say it, and it'll happen. Do you want to go to Paris? Peru? Paraguay? London? Across the street? Watch a movie? Get ice cream? Swimming? Anything?"
You giggled at the way he said things and the way that his facial features changed when he said or mentioned things. He smiled widely as he watched the brightness come back to your eyes. The rest of the day was spent doing nothing but telling funny jokes and stories.

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