Telling the story.

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*this is a continuation of the update where you ask him to marry you, its a few years after that*
Childish laughter rang through the air as Michael chased your 2 children around. You all were celebrating your oldests birthday, prince. He was turning 5 and his younger sister, paris was trying to squirt him, 5 times. Saying that it didn't count if he didn't get those 5 squirts. Prince didn't want to get wet, Michael was playing tag with them. You, were sitting in a chair video taping the moment. You were also pregnant with your third child, you didn't know what it was because you wanted a surprise.
After a while Michael stopped running after his kids and laid on the ground laughing away. You smiled and watched as Prince and Paris both ran to there father and jumped on him. He groaned and laughed some more, then laid there pretending he was dead. The two children gasped and looked toward you for help. You noticed that while they were occupied with you, he began to stand up slowly behind them. He grabbed both of them and roared, making them squeal and jump. You laughed and looked at the time, it was time for lunch.
"Michael, children! Time for lunch!"
They all came running to you and sat at the table. The adults around you laughed and chuckled as the rest of the children came running also. Once everyone was seated, you and Michael began to serve everyone food.
"Aunty (y/n)! Aunty (y/n)!" Your niece came bounding up to you making you chuckle. You kneeled down to her level.
"Yes, sweat heart?"
"Well, I was wondering, well actually all of the other kids and I were wondering if you could tell us the story of your engagement to Uncle Applehead? please?"
You chuckled and looked at Michael. He was busy laughing at something Jermaine had said. You called him over and told him what your niece had requested. He chuckled and got everyones attention.
"Everyone! Everyone, can i have your attention please!....Alright, thank you. A story has been requested by (y/n)s niece. One that none of you have ever heard. The story of our engagement." Everyone cheered and your nieces friends high fived her. "I think that i am going to let (y/n) tell the story though. You will love it."
He went and sat down, pulling Paris onto his lap. You stood there for a second and thought about how you were going to explain what happened. Then you cleared your throat and began.
"Im sure many of you know how long Michael and I have been together. I don't even want to think about it. It makes me feel old to do so, so please don't remind me. Now, Michael had actually proposed to me, on the ferris wheel, just over there. It was romantic and adorable, because he was practically shaking all over and he was stuttering like crazy." Many of the family members either chuckled or awed. "brace yourselves because it doesn't turn out how you think. I actually told Michael I couldn't marry him. I explained that I wasn't ready and that I really truly loved him, but I wanted to spend a little more time with him before I could take that step. He understood and we grew a little distant, but after about a week we began getting back into our normal lovey dovey selves that made you all uncomfortable. During this time that we spent time together, I thought about a married life with Michael and realized that he was everything that i ever wanted. He and I, were inseparable, we made each other happy, we both wanted kids, as you can see, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life waking up to him and growing old with him.
So, i made a fancy dinner, made it all romantic and waited for Michael to get home. When he did, we ate dinner, danced to know music, then I told him everything that I just told you, except it was better worded, and asked him to marry me. He said yes, then asked if i would take the ring. Now, here we are, with to beautiful children and a third on the way."
You pecked Michaels lips. "And I wouldnt have had it any other way." Michael whispered to you. Though everyone still heard and awed the both of you.
*Alright. Comments? Maybe? I like it, but i dont know.*

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