His anchor pt 1

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Michael had gone off the radar many years ago. Some believed he had died, some believed he had given up and moved away. Some even believed that he had been arrested and was now serving time in jail. But that was far from the truth. Michael was hurt. Not physically, but emotionally. He was aching inside from everything that was said about him, all of the lies that the paps' told. He was hurt that people believed them.
Even though he had millions of fans, there were still millions of people that believed them. Not many would truly listen to him when he said that none of it was true. He felt trapped and alone, he didn't feel like anyone was truly there for him. So, he hid in the dark of his house and wallowed in self pity. That is, until today.

You had been driving for hours, in fact it was much longer than that. You were about another days drive from your destination. It wasnt easy leaving everything that you knew behind, but after the incident that had occurred you wanted to go somewhere that no one knew you.
While leaning on your hand and enjoying the peace that had settled with you, your car began to splutter and jerk. Eventually it pulled to a complete stop, and smoke began coming from under the hood. You groaned and leaned your head against  your seat.
Deciding that you should try and see what was wrong you got out of the car and opened up your hood. After checking everything you concluded that there was no oil in your vehicle(I don't actually know if this can happen just go with it). You groaned again and kicked your vehicle. Then got back in your vehicle and grabbed your phone. You saw that u had no bars and completely freaked out on your car. You would hit the steering wheel and occasionally hit the horn.

Michael could faintly hear the occasional honks and went to his window to check it out. After seeing that there was no car in his drive way, he concluded that he was now hearing things, he went to his bed and laid on it. He began to cry softly as he thought about how lonely he was.

You had calmed down and were breathing heavily. Once your breathing went back to normal you looked around and saw that you were in the middle of no where. Deciding to risk it, you got out of the vehicle with your keys, a water bottle and your phone, and began to trudge down the road in search of help.

Michael hadn't noticed that the beeping had stopped because he was so far into self hate that he could barely notice his surroundings. How ever, when loud, fast paced knocks resounded through the house, he was broken from his trancelike state.
He  got out of bed and slowly made his way to the door. Once there he looked out of the peep hole to see a young woman.
"Who are you?" He asked through the door.
"My name is (y/n). My car broke down about 3 miles back and I need some help........please?" He could hear the unsurity in your voice and sighed.
"What do you do for a living, (y/n)?"
"Um, well I hope to one day be a singer, but at this moment I'm unemployed.why?" He sighed again and began opening the door.
"Just making sure."
" making sure of.....what?" Your voice trailed away when you saw who it was that you were speaking with, and your last word was more of a question of flabbergastion because you couldn't believe that it was him.

Michael watched as you spluttered trying to find something to say, when you just simply said 'I'm sorry' and walked off. He felt that very normal feeling of abandonment come back and decided irrationally to go after you.

You hadnt made it at least twenty feet before you felt someone's hand grab onto your forearm and stop you in your tracks. You didn't turn around because at that moment in time you were crying out of pure joy and confusion.
The man that you idolized and had fallen in love with, was very much alive and had just stood before you without realizing what this had meant to you. You thought back to the way he actually looked and a broken sob escaped your throat. He looked like every bit of joy and happiness had been drained from him. His eyes had dulled in there bright nature, he had tear staines on his cheeks and he had a frown being permanently sculpted onto his lips.
Michael frowned when he heard the sob escape your lips, his heart ached at the knowledge that you were crying just after seeing him. He hated when people cried and just because he was broken didn't mean that would change.
Without waiting another second, he pulled you to him by your arm. I were immediately embraced into a hug that you never knew could exist. You both stood there crying from different reasons, not caring because finally some consolation was happening.
No one understood your heart break over Michael and everything had been against him. This was what both of you needed.
After some time, you both pulled away and looked at each other. Looking into his eyes you could see that he was very deeply hurt.
"How are-what- why- Michael, I just- ugh!"
"I'm sorry. If you want to come inside we can talk? As long as you promise not to tell anyone of what you are going to hear?"
"I promise."
At that he turned around and began walking back inside, waiting by the door for you.

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