Untitled Part 44 pt 2

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It had been two years since Kendra and Michael had been married. And today was Paris' birthday, she was turning 3 years old.Kendra was so happy, and so was Michael. Though he did seem a little nervous about something lately. All of the family was over along with a few friends and their kids. Kendra was in the backyard chasing her baby girl around, and Michael was having friendly conversation with his family. It was funny how she was being immature and he wasnt. But hes had a lot on his mind lately.

Eventually it was time for the cake and presents. Paris was very happy with the princess outfit they got her and every other gift that she was given.

Eventually, it was time for the party to end and everyone to go home. Kendra found Paris and saw that she was asleep on the couch. Kendra picked her up gently and carried her to her room. Michael followed behind her to help put her to bed. They both kissed her forehead and then stood their for a second watching her. Michael wrapped his arms around her waist and began rubbing her stomach. Kendra sighed and leaned back into him.

"I'm so happy that this all worked out. I would have hated for her to not have her father and family. Im so happy that you are her father and that we get to raise her. I couldnt imagine anything more perfect. Thank you Michael."

"I should be the one thanking you, you gave me our beautiful little girl. I am a father because of you. Which brings me to the thing thats been on my mind lately."

"Mhm, and whats that?"

"I was wondering if you wouldnt mind having another baby with me?"

"You want another baby with me?"

"Yes, yes of course i do. I love you, and you are my wife, mother of my child. I want to have a big happy family with you. But i do recognize that its your body and I want you to decide whether or not we have another baby."

"Id love to have another baby. You know i love kids. The question is, when?"

"I was thinking, Now?"

"Okay, lets go get started on our big happy family."

Kendra and Michael went into the bedroom and had the most passionate, love filled night that you could even try to imagine.

Kendra both woke up the next morning and smiled at each other.

*3 weeks later*

Kendra and Michael had done the deed a few times over the three weeks, hoping continue their family.

Kendra woke up suddenly with a churning feeling in her stomach and rushed to the bathroom to throw up, what ever she ate last night. She decided that today she would take another pregnancy test. So, she closed the door and peed on the stick.

Five agonizing minutes later, she looked at the stick and squeaked happily. She ran into the bedroom and jumped on top of Michael giggling uncontrollably. Michael rolled onto his back with a groan which made easier for her to sit on him. He looked at her sleepily wondering what was making  her so happy. She continued giggling and wiggled happily.

"MIKEY we did it, we did it! Im pregnant. We are gonna have another baby!!"Kendra smiled wider and Michael immediately became more awake. He sat up and kissed her lips. She held his face in her hands and kissed him happily.

"Your having our baby! Im so excited. Paris is going to be a big sister! I cant wait to find out what gender it is. Because after that we can start building the baby room back up. You both spent the day outside with paris watching as she ran around neverland.

*3 months later*

Kendra and Michael were at the hospital getting a check up on the baby and they were going to be finding out the gender. They were smiling so widely, that the doctor thought that they might split their faces. She put the gel on kendras growing stomach and then put the camera on it. She told them to watch the screen. Eventually a figure was able to be seen. They stared as they waited. The doctor looked at the baby and moved the camera around a little trying to get a better view.

"Well, Mr and Mrs Jackson it looks like you are having a baby girl. OH wait, looks like thats a second head...body...theirs her hand. It looks like you are having twin girls! Congrats!"

*6 months later*


"Sweet heart, Im sorry. But just think that after you are done we are going to have two baby girls here with us. Thats why you did this, to help make our family bigger. I love you so much_


Michael sighed and sat down, knowing that she didnt mean it. Even though it hurt him, he knew that she wasnt deliberately trying to cause him any pain. She cried out and sat back against the pillows again.

"Michael, Michael im so sorry. I love you so much. Have I...Have I ever told you how much i love your voice. Will you sing for me. I want you to sing please."

"Alright. Do you have any preferences as to what?"

"No, just please sing."

"I'll be there to comfort you,

Build my dreams around you, Im so glad that i found you

Ill be there with a love thats strong

"Ill be your strength, Ill keep holding on-yes I will, yes I will

Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter

Togetherness, well thats all im after

Whenever you need me, Ill be there

Ill be there to protect you, with an unselfish love i respect you

Just call my name and Ill be there."

As he sang this he leaned close to her and sang them softly, when he finished he held out the last note a bit. She had tears in her eyes and she smiled at him.

"I love you so much. I want you to know that. I love you so so much. And i love our children so very much, I cant wait to shower them all in love. "

"I cant wait either. They are all gonna be my little princesses. Always and forever."

After a few more hours, they both were finally holding their beautiful girls in their arms. 

"They are so beautiful. Thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too."

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