Thank you

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Everything had gone to craps. Everything. Not many things in your life were worth it anymore. Your parents had kicked you out because your grades had failed, they said that if you couldn't live up to their expectations, then you were a waste of space. The reason that your grades had failed, was because your ex-boyfriend had ruined you, simply because you wouldn't do it with him willingly. And you couldn't focus on anything else, other than the fact that you now were ruined and broken.
You had found a very small one bedroom apartment, and job-but that didn't really last long, they just recently fired you because they couldn't afford to pay you anymore. So, now you were on the verge of eviction, having no food, and your grades had definitely made it so that you couldn't go anywhere with your life. The only thing that was good about any of this, was the music that you'd listen to. Of course you wouldn't only listen to one artist, But Michael Jackson's story and musical messages, kept you pushing so that you could make it through. But to no avail.
Nothing you did, was getting you out of this hole, in fact it just dug you deeper into the dark pit that was swallowing you whole. You were so broken and lost, that depression had set in. You could swear that you could feel little bits of you die everyday. You wanted to scream and cry, but nothing you did could make you release that emotion.
Today, you got the last eviction notice. You also ate the last of your food, the day before. So, you were hungry, and without a home, because they wanted you out by the afternoon. You took the small amount of things that you had. 3 pairs of jeans and shirts, sneakers, notebook of paper, a pen, and your cd player and headphones and of course the small amount of cd's that you had, all of this was put into a small duffle bag. You couldn't get rid of them, because it was your only way to hear your music.
You went to the park and sat on a bench and pulled out the music, then listened to Michael. You began to get lost in your thoughts, and you knew what you were going to do. You were going to end it all. But, you wanted to at least thank the one man that had been there for you, without actually being there. You pulled out your notepad and pen, and began to write.

~Michael jackson's P.O.V.~
I just got home from another rehearsal, my manager handed me a stack of mail from my fans, and now i am able to sit down and read them. I turn on the T.V and sit on my couch. The weather channel is on, so i use it as background noise. I open the first letter and begin reading. I finish the first letter and write a short thank you back, then open the next letter, it looked like it had gotten wet, and it was stained a slight yellow. There was no return address, but my address was neatly written in beautiful hand writing.
Michael jackson,
My name is (y/n), we have never met and never will. I don't want to add to the sadness that you feel, but i wanted to thank you, and say good bye. But i wanted to let you know why I'm thanking you first. For the past few years my life has been pretty much crap. It wasn't always that bad, but my controlling parents could have been a little easier on me. I started dating this guy a few years ago, but wouldn't do the deed with him, because i was saving it for my wedding day. After a while i guess that he couldn't hold back his true self any more and he..he raped me.
I was ruined by him, and because of what he did, i couldn't focus on anything. My grades fell apart and because of that, my parents kicked me out. I found a small one room apartment and a job. I was fired because they couldn't afford to pay me anymore, and now i have been evicted from my apartment. I have no food, barely any clothes, and now know home.
But before you throw this away because you are too sad to read on, I want to say thank you. You were there through all of it, pushing me through. I felt that if you can push through everything that you are, i can do it too. I couldnt give up because i felt like id be failing you. Your music is a beautiful thing and i want you to know that with out it i wouldnt have pushed as long as i had.
But, now that i have thought it over, I realize that my parents were correct. I am a waste of space. I can feel everything inside of me slowly giving up and dying. So instead of dying of starvation or some illness caught by living on the streets, instead of making a new society of people deal with me, I have made the decision to end it all.
I wanted to say good bye to you Mr. jackson. I hope you have many more successful years. Thank you so much for everything that you have done for me.
After reading the letter i shed a tear, but soon many more came because the news burst on and it showed a young woman-who had been identified as (y/n)- lying in the road, it was obvious that you had just fallen from a building. I covered my mouth with my hands and looked at the paper, then the screen, then the paper, back and forth a few times before I stopped and focussed on her face. Even though she was dead, you could see all the pain that she had been hiding, all the tear tracks and sleepless nights, but also you could see peace.
I may not believe in taking your own life, but i was happy she could finally find peace. I take her letter with me to a room and grab a scrapbook that i had been making. I brought back to my living room and placed the letter in it. When i looked up i stopped and stared at a picture that they were showing of her.
She was smiling and I could see the Life that once filled her eyes. She was beautiful.
I decided that then I would remember her and keep her as my inspiration. I am going to keep pushing through everything and not give up. I placed to fingers to my lips and pointed them to the screen, then put them on the paper.
"Thank you."

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