Why didn't you tell me? Part 2

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*4 months later*

"And cut!"

You were in the middle of shooting the scene where your character finds the love of her life dead. You weren't having a problem getting the emotions right for the scene because you had actually lived through this before. You did have a hard time understanding the character during rehearsals the first month. Matthew seemed to be a good director though because he seemed to know how to explain it to you. After that, you did have your occasional mess ups but nothing to horrible. So the shooting for the movie was right on schedule. 

However, that didn't make it so that this scene wasn't difficult for you. 

You headed to your trailer where you could take a moment to relax, before heading home and getting back to work recording your music. Occasionally Matthew would come over and help you record or he would make you relax by throwing on a movie that neither of you had seen before. You really did appreciate how caring he was when you were off set. On set, it was very clear; no mingling. He wanted to get shooting done on time every day so that everyone could go home and relax, then come in fresh the next day. 

But even with how nice and wonderful everything had been for the last 4 months, something was nagging at you. You felt that there was something weird about Matthew that you couldn't quite put your finger on. He was just way to kind to you even when he shouldn't be. He seemed to know you so well, even though you had only known each other for a couple months. It was bothering you enough that you couldn't stop thinking about it. And now that you were working with him and getting closer as actual friends, you felt that you could ask him about it. Why he seemed to know you so well even though you had just met.  You had decided you would ask him the next opportunity you got. 


When you got home, you breathed a sigh of relief. Getting home and being greeted by your dog Norman. He is a Great Pyrenees, almost full white but around his eyes he has brown speckles.  

He came bounding up to you with a happy wag of his tail. You knelt down and let him put his paws up and over your shoulders, giving you a hug. This was the best part of everyday. When he decided he had enough, he pushed off you and ran down the hall, going into the living area where all of his toys were. 

You could hear him playing so you decided that it was time to go into your studio and start working on more songs. Sam would kill you if you didn't get at least one finished a week. Which didn't seem fair considering that you were shooting a movie, you felt that you should have had an allowance of 1 every two weeks.  But you did it all the same, better to just do what she asks than deal with her wrath.

About an hour later, Matthew came knocking on the door. He had food and wine. He always came with food, but rarely did he come with alcohol of any form. 

"To what do i owe this gracious gift?" You asked, putting your hand on your hip. 

"I thought we could celebrate being right on schedule. We are 4 months in, you know." He seemed genuinely excited about this. So, you put aside your work and sat down to have dinner with him. He did bring it himself after all. 

You both were about halfway through your meals, making small talk along the way when you finally decided that it was time to ask him. 


"Yes, (y/n)"

"Over the last 4 months of us working together and you coming over occasionally, I've noticed that you seem to understand me on a level that no one has in almost 4 years. You know how to talk to me, you know my favorite things-and i know i didnt tell you any of those-so, whats up with that? How do you know me so well?"

"I don't know. Some of it was guess work. Some of it is because i feel a connection to you. You are just an amazing person to know, so maybe I just match you. It sounds silly, i know. But I dont think there is another explanation."

"You can't guess every time and get it right. And the only person i ever told those things, died almost 4 years ago. Not even the media knows the truth. I'm sorry that i sound so cynical but it just seems so familiar."

"I don't know what to tell you."

"What about the truth? Did you know Michael?"

He could see the pain in your eyes, the need to hear it. You just didn't what it was you needed to hear. 

After a long silence, you were about to give up. Thinking that it was just like michael to do something like this from the grave. Make you think that you might have just one more connection to him, and then take it away or keep it just at arms reach.

Then, you heard something that you never thought you would hear. 

Michaels voice. 

"(Y/n)? Baby look up at me."

You were so shocked. You were staring at Matthew, but Michael. His voice. His fucking voice. It was coming from Matthew.

"Wh-what? What is this? This isn't funny! Matthew! Stop that! How could you?! This is cruel. So cruel! I told you about everything I felt for him. I told you! And now you do this?! What is wrong with you?!"

"No, (y/n). Please, listen. (Y/n) it's me. It's Michael. I promise, I'm not lying."

You stared into his eyes. His damn eyes. They were looking at you with so much care. So much sorrow. So much sadness and regret. They were his eyes.
You stood from your chair and immediately walked away. You knew he would follow you.
Immediately you swung open the door and gestured for him to leave.
"(Y/N) , please don't throw me out. I didn't want this to happen like this." His pleading was met by your shattered, angry heart.
"OH, so you did plan to tell me. I'm surprised. How did you think it would go? I'd be so happy you are alive id just jump you and over look the fact that we have been working together for 4 months without you saying a Goddamn word? Or that you let me mourn you for almost 4 fucking years without trying to ease my pain?"

You were so angry your eyes burned with tears.

"No. Not at all. I didn't want you to be so hurt and upset b-"

"Then why didn't you tell me?" You said heated.

"Because I needed the world to believe I was dead!" He practically yelled at you. "Look, I wanted to tell you, I truly did. I wanted you to be there with me while I waited for them to believe I was dead. I wanted you there when I received this new face. I wanted you there. But I knew you wouldn't be able to act sad enough for them to believe it. I'm sorry. But you wouldn't have been able to keep the secret. I don't believe you would tell anyone. But I also don't think anyone would believe you saying I was. I needed it to work otherwise you would have lost me for real."

His shoulders slumped as he fell back against the wall and slid down it, covering his face with his hands.

"Don't you think it killed me being away from you? Hearing the songs you wrote about missing me, being angry at me? I knew what you were going through but I couldn't stop it. I couldn't ruin all the work I had put into it. I'm so sorry. Okay? I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted you to be in so much pain. I'm so sorry. I love you. And you know I do. Even if you can't trust me right now. You know I do."

He looked up at you with pleading eyes. You were simply staring at him. You couldn't think of anything to say. You couldn't believe that he was alive and pouring his heart out to you while sitting on the floor in your doorway. 

You couldn't think of one thing to say. So you did the only thing you could think of. You knelt down in front of him and embraced him in the tightest hug you could muster up the strength for. You held him so tight that you could feel his heart beating against yours. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer, if that was even possible.

You both sat there, feeling as though you would wake up any moment and not be in each other's arms. The last 4 months would be just a dream. But it wasn't. This was real. This was the most beautiful gift anyone could give either of you. 

And neither of you would ever let it  go again.

Michael Jackson ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora