His superwoman pt2

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Has anyone ever been able to truly explain what love is? Why its such a powerful emotion? One that saves the world and defeats a villain? Or why it is what everyone wants? Why its what everyone needs? Why it drives some actions and why they cant ever truly explain why they did what they did?
Well, in your case, no. No one has ever been able to answer or fulfill any of these questions. You have lived a life where love was Not an option. It was work, sleep, work, sleep, all the time. All you wanted to do was survive. And it probably didnt help that you didnt believe in love, mainly because you didnt know what it was. It wasnt exactly something that you grew up being shown.
You grew up in a one parent household, with no siblings. That one parent, had you on cyber school and was never really home long enough to show you that he appreciated anything that you did. He chastised what you did wrong, but didnt acknowledge anything that you did right.
It wasnt your fault that you were the way that you were, it was how you grew up.

So, when you saved that mans life, and looked into his eyes, you were caught off guard by the jittery feeling that exploded in your chest. And you lashed out at the stranger. You left before he could really say anything, or defend himself really. When you got to work, you put your things down and sighed. Then you went to the front register and let your coworker go so that she could take a break.
You worked at the local coffee shop during the day, then during the evening you worked at the local book store. You had about three hours between that you used to shower and sleep. On the days that you didnt work at those jobs, you cleaned hotel rooms at the only hotel in town, it was a very nice hotel-the Marion to be exact.
So it was safe to say that you were pretty well off. No one in town understood why you worked so hard, but how could they, they never knew what happened inside the walls of that house.
Later that week, you were cleaning the rooms at the hotel, keeping to yourself, doing the job. You had a room on your list that still had a customer in it, so you had to knock on the door. When you did, a really large man answered the door and stared at you.
"What do you want?"
"House keeping."
"Oh. Okay, dont take anything and dont bother Mr. Jackson."
He opened the door, and let you inside. You began cleaning the room, stripping the bed, wiping down surfaces, taking care of any-if any-garbage. That was what you set out to do, but you were stopped in the middle of cleaning by a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see the man that you saved a few days ago. Your jitters came back so you glared at the man and waited for him to speak.
"Uh-hu Hello. You are the girl that saved my life, right?"
"Well, I didnt get to properly thank you, before you ran off-
"You mean before i yelled at you."
"No, Although you did catch me off guard with that, i meant before you ran off. I would like to say thank you very much for saving my life. I am sorry that you had too, i shouldnt have put myself in that position. I was shocked still, I am still grateful though, for what you did. Im also relieved that you didnt freak out when you saw me."
"Why would I?"
"Do you know who I am?"
"No, I know your last name is Jackson. Thats it."
"Do you know who Michael Jackson is?"
"The name rings a bell but i have no clue what you are talking about."
He smiled widely, which sort of freaked you out. You backed away a little when he moved toward you.
"What are you doing?"
"Um, never mind. Well, I am just really happy right now. How do you not know who i am? Thats so weird. Most everyone knows me, either they like me or they dont, but they all know who i am...this is an amazing, unexpected change for me."
"Well, who are you?"
"I am Michael Jackson, famous song writer and dancer. or some call me King of pop. I dont care for the title, but thats what some may call me."
"Oh, i know you. You were on the front page of the newspaper this morning. You didnt look to pleased with whatever you were looking at. Sorry, Ive never listened to your music, or really know any of your dance moves."
"Wow. Thats awesome. Whats your name?"
"Because i want to remember who you are. Now, would you care to join me for lunch or even dinner one of these days."
"What? Why?"
"I dont ever have any time to do anything but work, and thats how i like it."
"Im sure this place gives you time off?"
"Yeah, This is one of the only days that i actually work here a month. But i actually work at the local coffee shop and then the Bookstore. I never have free time. And the time i do have is for showering and sleeping. Im sorry but, I dont have time to do any of that stuff, is it socializing? yeah, thats what it is. I dont socialize."
"Wow. Dont you party? or celebrate? or eat?"
"No, I use to before i turned 18, it was for about a month but i partied, I celebrate christmas, and i eat on my breaks at work-wait, why am i even telling you this, i dont know you. Plus, i have a job to finish. Excuse me."
You turned back around and continued cleaning, knowing that the entire time he was watching you. Once done, you nodded your head at him and left.

*I AM SO SORRY. I have not had internet for the past few weeks and i could not publish anything. I am so sorry. I have added some new stories to my list, so if you want to check them out that would be awesome. I am so so sorry for not updating. I tried hard but it didnt work out that well for me. I hope you enjoyed this one shot!
Goodbye My Lovelies!

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