Laughter is a cure all.

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Down in the dumps...that saying never made more sense to you then at this moment in your life.
Your boyfriend of 5 years had been cheating on you the whole time. You found out when you answered the door today. Stood before you was a tall, picture perfect barbie doll. Even the shaken look on her face couldn't mess with her beauty. When you asked what was wrong, she asked if John was around. Seeing as he was not you asked what she needed him for. She told you that she had found out she was pregnant with his child that day and wanted to tell him the great news.
Shocked was the only thing that you first. Then it was confusion.
"i dont think that you have the right house. My John is John rentlix. You have to have the wrong house. Wrong john."
"No, thats my John. We have been together for five years. I thought he told you, you are (y/n) his sister, right?"
"No, Im (y/n), his girlfriend. Ive been dating him for the past five years. He told you i was his sister? What the heck! I cant believe you. I wont believe you. He wouldn't cheat on me.......well i guess it actually all makes sense. He did leave late at night and he comes home late. Sometimes he's gone for days at a time. But, Why?"
"Im so sorry. If i had known that you were his girlfriend then i would have broken it off with him. Im so sorry."
Now that, actually shocked you. You couldn't believe that someone so beautiful would actually give up a relationship with john. You thought for a few seconds, and though it broke your heart, you knew what had to be done. She was going to have his baby after all. Slowly you stood up and started gathering your things, knowing that he wouldn't be back for a few more hours, took your time to make sure you didn't forget anything. She interrupted your concentration with a question.
"What are you doing?"
"Im packing up my things."
"You don't need to do that."
"Look, Your pregnant with his child. Now, I know that I am not reacting to this like any other irrational broken hearted girl, but thats the thing I'm the rational one. I want you to tell him that i found out, and confronted you about it. Then tell him that i cant be with someone who is a liar. i want you to stay here with him, but can i suggest something?"
she nodded her head and i continued.
"Don't tell him your pregnant just yet, make it special and let him cool down, okay? Because I'm positive that he wont be happy that i found out and left him. I know that this will sound weird but thank you for enlightening me."
"Im sorry. I really am. I cant believe that i am breaking up a relationship. I am so sorry. i don't know you and i just ruined everything for you."
"Don't feel bad, okay? You just saved me from a lot worse."
You quickly left the house with your things and drove. You didn't know exactly where you were going, but once you entered your car the heartbreak finally set in. You were crying hard, and let out choked sobs every now and then. When you arrived at the gates, you were extremely shocked. You hadn't been here since you were a little girl. Like around 8 or nine-ish. You were now in your early 20s. You didn't go further, you just parked your car in front of the gates and cried into your hands.
Michael jackson has been your favorite singer ever since you were little. You couldn't believe that you had got to go to Neverland when your parents told you, then when you got there, you were so scared and shy that you didn't talk to anyone and didn't really play either. When you left though, you had the biggest grin on your face, Michael had given you a hug. He was in a hurry and could only hug one child at the time and he chose you.
From then on you vowed to keep a smile on your face and go into every thing with a positive attitude, without letting fear get in the way. After a few years you took to learning how to dance and do art, you met John in one of your dance classes. Now, you sat in your car, at the place that started it all.
A knock on your window made you jump and look over with blurry eyes. You could see a black coat over a read shirt, pale skin, and dark long wavy hair. You couldn't tell who it was because your eyes were blurry, but rolled down the window none the less. The chilly air blew into the car and made you shudder, while cooling the hot tears on your face..even though they still kept coming.
"Excuse me, Are you alright?"
You could then tell that it was a male on the other side of the door and tried to calm yourself enough to respond.
"Are you alright?"
You took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, though it didn't help much.
"Im..sorry..i dont know..w-why i c-a-ame h-ere. I-i d-did-nt mean t-to tre-tress-pass."
"I didn't ask what you were doing here, I asked if you were alright. Why are you crying?"
"I-i d-dont r-real-ly think t-th-at i s-shou-ld tell- so-some-one th-at i d-dont k-know. E-v-even i-if y-ou w-ork f-or s-some-someone l-like M-Mr. J-ack-jackson." You choked out the sentence through your body shaking sobs. Someone let out a soft giggle, that made you stop. You knew that giggle, you had played it over and over in your head from when you were 8 to 15. Slowly you looked up at him, clearing your eyes and froze once again. Standing before you was a concerned looking Michael jackson.
" Im sorry for giggling, I just couldn't help but well, giggle at the fact that you didn't know who i was. I don't mean to sound conceited or anything, but everyone knows who i am, whether they like me or not."
You simply sat there with wide eyes and immediately started to feel the reddening to your cheeks, not that it would make a difference. Your sure that your eyes are blood shot and puffy and your face is extremely red. You look away and take many deep breathes and calmed your breathing to just a few hiccups every now and then.
"Its alright. I know who you a-are. I just, I cant believe that its you that caught me crying in my car, in front of the gates to your house. please forgive me for just showing up. I didn't even realize where i was going until i got h-here. I am sorry. I'll just be on my way, I don't want to disturb you any more than i al-ready have."
You reached over to start up your car again, when a hand was placed on your shoulder.
"You don't need to go. In fact, if you'd like to come inside, i wouldn't mind at all. Plus, you still haven't told me why you were crying."
He gave you a smile and you nodded. Honestly, you didn't want to leave. And you were pretty happy that you were given a chance to see him again. Even though it had been over 10 years since you came here. You were allowed to drive your car inside the gates and then Michael proceeded to show you the way inside. After a few moments of an awkward silence, Michael spoke up.
"Sooo, Why were you crying? It had to be a lot to get you to cry that hard."
You took in a deep breath and looked at him, you couldn't tell him that it was none of his business-that would be rude, and you had shown up at his home unannounced, crying. After a moment of silence you breathed in and began your tale. You told him from when the woman knocked on the door and ended once you got here-to his home. He looked at you with sadness and pity. That made you feel worse. You despised being pitied.
"Please don't look at me like that. I am sorry that i sound rude, but i just-I'm not used to being pitied."
"I'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you any more than you already are. Please forgive me."
"Its alright. I'm just not used to being pitied. Thank you though, for listening to me. You have been through so much and i come in here with my sob story. I really appreciate it."
"Its not a sob story. Its something that hurt you. No ones problems are worse than any one else's, we all measure pain in different ways. Im happy that i could help, in whatever way i did. But may i have your name?"
"I haven't told you already? Wow, how rude of me..My name is (y/n) (l/n)."
"Nice to meet you (y/n), thats a beautiful name by the way. How long have you lived in LA?"
"My whole life."
"Really?, I haven't ever seen you before. I know that sounds stupid of me to say with my tours taking me everywhere and my busy schedule and all that but I would have remembered seeing someone like you, even if it was just a glimpse."
"Well, actually. You did meet me before. It was a very long time ago, but you gave me a hug when i came to Neverland with my parents. I was 8 or 9 at the time though. You were in a rush to somewhere and could only hug one person and, you chose me. That made my day."
"I think that i might actually remember you, i get that it seems far fetched but weren't you the little girl that didn't play with anyone and you pretty much stayed hidden the whole time. Well, tried to. You looked so scared and nervous, and a little unhappy. I chose you because you looked like you could really use some comfort. I never saw you again after that, but now here you are....crying. I guess that the only way that i will see you is if you aren't in a good mood..."
"That was me! wow i cant believe that you actually remember that. Its been a little over a decade since then. And the reason that you never saw me again after that is because we never could afford it after that, my parents knew that i loved your music-i know i was 8 and most don't really actually know what they like but I really loved your music and well you- so they saved up and took me. I the happiest person in the history of my family. Its nice to see you again by the way."
"Nice to see you too. I am happy that you could make it back. Hey, do you maybe want to stay for dinner or anything. We could play a game or something to cheer you up. I don't like seeing others unhappy, it makes me sad. So what do you want to do, we can do anything."
You smiled at his energy and thought about it.
"Okay. Lets about, do you know how to bake?"
This obviously took him by surprise, by the shocked look on his face. He nodded his head and looked at you with curiosity.
"Well, we can bake and decorate a cake or something. I really like to do that, its very calming. and can be fun."
"Okay, lets bake a cake."
He stood up and motioned for you to follow him. Once in the kitchen, he pulled out two aprons and pans, then you guys decided on what kind of cake to make. You both decided upon Vanilla, and followed the directions. While making it, Michael would bump you and tickle you every now and then. You giggled and tried to get him to stop, but failed multiple times. So, in reaction to one of his tickles you-having it already in your hands- had thrown some flour at him. He stopped what he was doing all together and looked at you. His dark hair was sprinkled with the white substance along with his shirt and face. You looked back at him in shock of what you had done and began to apologize- but were stopped by sugar being thrown at you. You both stared at each other in silence for a second, then burst out laughing and the war began. While still making the cake, you would take turns throwing ingredients on each other. Eventually the cake was put in the oven and you began the icing. When the timer beeped you took the cake out and set it on a cooling rack.
Later, when the cake was cooled and the icing was ready to use, you put the icing into bags and handed one to Michael. You let him choose the colors and surprise surprise they were red and gold. This was going to be a very interesting cake. You put the cake up on a lift so you both could see it and work on it. You made a line so that you knew where each of your sides ended. The decorating commenced and it was a peaceful time. You talked to each other as you worked but never diverted your attention. At one point you switched bags and when it was finished, you were very proud of your work. there were little music notes and dancing figures, even one that was doing a Michael jackson pose. His side was also very beautiful, It was very clean and had music lyrics on it along with a very beautiful border. You both looked at the cake and high fived each other. You took pictures with it and him with it, then together holding the cake.
Then as to not ruin the artwork for now, you took pieces from the cake that had no decorations on them and ate them in the kitchen. Once again though, a war started with the left over icing. You knew that it didn't matter to him what happened to his clothes, because he could get them cleaned or replaced, and you were in old clothes anyway.
He started it by picking up the bag and squirting you on the face. It only shocked you because the icing was actually pretty cold. So in retaliation, you squirted him back. That quickly stopped though, because he had the idea that you guys should decorate each others faces with the icing. (*I know I'm different don't judge*) So off to work you both went. You started by defining his features then got to adding little things. You had been so focussed that you didn't notice he had stopped and was watching you. Then you took your icing and put it on his lips, much like lipstick. You caught his eye and stopped.
"You look very adorable when your focussed on something, you know."
You took this time to admire his features through your art work. He had the same cheekbones that you remembered along with the chin, nose, eyes-though you could see more sadness- everything was practically the same but he was much older than when you were 8. He was still very attractive, but he was much older. He was in his 40s now and also had paler skin. When you had met him, he was a little darker, not much but he was.
"And you are adorable no matter what you are doing. I don't understand how all those people could want to hurt you.....I'm sorry, I don't know why i just changed the mood. i can tell that thats not something that you really want to talk about."
"its alright. thank you though. i appreciate it. Here, i want to finish my work of art."
He offered you a stool and you sat down. You closed your eyes and allowed him to decorate. When you felt the icing start to cover your lips, you puckered them subconsciencly. You felt him blow on your face and end at your lips. Then his hand slightly held your chin and lift it. Before you could realize what had happened, his lips had covered yours. This definitely took you by surprise. But, you welcomed it and kissed him back. Slowly your arms lifted and wrapped around his neck, loosely. Almost as if that had been what he was waiting for, he had his hands on your waist and had pulled you off the stool, bringing your bodies closer.
It wasn't a crazy passionate kiss or anything. It was simply a deep, personal, romantic kiss. Slow and beautiful. You had never been kissed like you were right now and you were practically going weak at the knees. There was something in this kiss that promised no pain, no heartache, just a future of possibilities. Eventually, you pulled apart and looked at each other. The icing on his face was only slightly smudged and you could only guess yours wast too. His hand was laid on your hair and his other hand was still planted on your waist.
You had your hands on his shoulders and you were looking up at him..dazed.
"I am sorry. You just went through a break up and i don't know what came over me. I am so sorry."
"Don't be. I know that i did just go through a breakup but that was so, so...beautiful. i have never been kissed that way. Ever. And I cant explain it. There is no way to explain such a wonderful thing. Thank you. You just made my day for the second time in my life."
"Well, thank you and your welcome. So what do you want for dinner."
"How about something simple, baked mac&cheese?"
"Okay. Sounds pretty good."
You had dinner and then decided it would be good for you to get heading out. You were going to be staying with your parents for a few days, so he walked you to your car and gave you a kiss goodbye. You thought about your day on the way home. You also had made plans with Michael in a few days, so you would be seeing him again. You laughed at the things that you both did and the look on his face when the flour hit him, the first time. You laughed at the memory of you both laughing while having your war. You then smiled brightly at the thought of the kiss you shared in the kitchen. You felt so much better and had been laughing all day. You then thought about another saying that you had heard before. Laughter is a cure all.
* That was sooo long. Holy crap, I thought my arm was going to fall off. That also went quite different then i planned. And it was much longer than i planned. I really hope you enjoyed it. This probably going to be my only AU note but later I may say something. THANKS FOR READING. GOODBYE MY LOVELIES.*

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