He holds you while you sleep continued

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You woke up the next morning and stretched with a smile on your face. It was a beautiful day, and there was a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. After fixing your hair and clearing your face a little, you made your way downstairs. Once there, you heard soft singing and couldn't help but smile at his adorableness. You stood at the kitchen door and watched as he slightly danced, sang, and cooked at the same time.
When he was done, you clapped and walked the rest of the way in. He was startled by you, and dropped the spatula that was in his hands, onto his toe. He yelped out in slight pain, making your smile turn into a worried frown.
"Im so sorry! Oh my, are you okay?"
"Y-yeah. Im fine. Not like i stabbed myself. I will be perfectly fine. How did you sleep?"
"i slept fine, thank you. Are you sure?, I have dropped that thing on my feet before and i know that it doesn't tickle."
"Yes, im fine. Im happy that you slept well. I did too. Its sucky that the only time, i really fall asleep is around you though."
"Are you calling me boring?"
"I would never! I just meant that, I am only able to sleep, when your around. Like when i know that you are safe and in my arms. i don't know, i-its hard for me to u-understand."
"Its alright, I kinda understand. Your really comfortable with me, and you care about me. As i do you. I worry that you don't sleep enough and sometimes it keeps me up. So, if you ever really need to sleep, just give me a call. Ill be there." You smirked at your use of words and heard Michael giggle slightly.
"Really? using my songs now?"
"Sorry, just a spur of the moment, use of words."
"Well, thank you for the offer. I will be sure to use that often."
It became quiet after that, and your mind travelled to past moments with him. Suddenly you got really bad cramps, and your mind seemed to be telling you what you needed.
"Hey Michael, Do you remember the time, when I had those really bad cramps a few years ago?"
"And what you did to make them stop hurting so much?"
"Yeah..Oh are you having them again. Do you want me to make them leave you alone?"
"I would be forever in your debt."
"Okay, but id be careful with what you say."
He went around the counter and wrapped his arms around your waist. He began to rub your lower stomach and the pain, began to slowly go away. You leaned back into him and tilted your head. He tucked his face into your neck and began rocking you both sideways. After a few minutes, you felt loads better and he served breakfast. It was so delicious. After breakfast was cleaned up, you both went into the living room. But before either of you could think of something to do, his phone rang. He picked it up and had a quick conversation with who ever called. When he hung up, he sighed and looked at you.
You knew what that meant and nodded at him. He began to collect lhis things, then when he was leaving, and you were holding the door, he turned around and pecked you on the lips as if it was a natural thing. You were completely shocked by his actions and he only seemed to realize what he had done until after he had turned back around. When he faced you again, he was all shock and apology.
" I am so sorry. I-i didnt, i am - i just- oh boy-
"Michael, its alright. We will talk tonight or whenever you are free again."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, now go, before you are recognized."

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