He surprises you

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*i chose this pic because he was wet*

You didn't know if you could last a whole year without seeing him. He had been gone for two months now and you were already sitting on your couch with a carton of ice cream, watching Peter Pan practically every other day. Sometimes your friends would come over and make you go with them to places. Secretly you knew they were both getting you distracted so you wouldn't think about Michael and they were making sure you got some sort of exercise. They literally would keep you out for hours at a time.
It was time for your weekly call from Michael. You knew that he was extremely busy, so he couldn't call every night. You quickly brushed your teeth, and hair, then straightened out your clothes. You knew he wouldn't be able to see you, but you didn't want to feel gross while on the phone with him-or anyone for that matter. You plopped down on the couch and got the phone ready. You had a normal five minute window between the time he actually said he'd call and when he normally called so you were never absolutely sure when he would.
Then his ringtone started going off. You had set up to be a snip it of the song JCSLY. You calmly picked up the phone and answered it.
"Hi (y/n)! It's me."
"Hi Michael! How are you?"
"I'm doing fine. Pretty tired but I can't complain. How are you?"
"I'm doing pretty good. I miss you tons but other than that, I'm good. So where are you now?"
"I'm in Brazil. It's beautiful here. I wish that you could be here with me. I miss you so much. I can't wait to come home and hug and kiss all over your face. What are you doing right now?"
" well, while talking to you, I'm deciding on breakfast. What about you?"
"I'm laying on my couch, talking to you. You still haven't had breakfast?"
" No, I haven't. I slept in. The girls have been running me around town every other day and yesterday was one of them. I think that they are trying to keep me distracted and make it so I don't gain weight. Which won't happen, I go down to the dance studio everyday and teach people how to dance. It's an exercise in itself. But, I can't complain. They have kept me from being really lonely. What about you, have you eaten recently?"
" yes I have. I had a pretty good sized snack on the plane. We just arrived at the hotel about an hour ago. I'm happy that your friends are there for you. Are you planning on going anywhere today?"
"Nope. I don't have work and I asked the girls to let me have a day of rest. They agreed so now I'm going to lay on the couch and let my body heal. What about you? They are giving you time to rest right? Other wise I will come up there myself and lock you in the bedroom. With out anyone in it but me, so I can make sure you are sleeping."
"*laughing* oh boy. I'd love to see you do that. Especially with my huge body guards that could probably take down a lion. So, I got you something."
"Really? Michael as much as I appreciate it, I really do, you know I'm not fond of receiving things. But what did you get me?"
" I know, I know. But you are the woman I love and I will be spoiling you. Just look outside."
"Michael you do realize it's raining, and our pansy mail men won't deliver when water falls from the sky, in any form. So, whatever you got me, won't be there today."
"I made sure that this one was delivered today. Just please look outside."
You got up and went to the window. You pulled back the curtains and look around outside. Then you see what he got you. And it really wasn't a what, it was more a who, and that who was on the phone with you right now. When he saw that you had seen him, he waved to you.
"Hello (y/n). Do you like it?"
But you didn't answer. You dropped the phone and ran out the front door, down the stairs, right into his arms. You hugged him tightly and breathed in deeply. Your head was buried in his neck, as was his. You simply both stood there in the rain, holding each other. He was dressed in a black suit with a red decorated vest and a white shirt under that. He had his signature arm band on and his hair was down, and wavy. You however, were still in your pajamas. A red tank top and black pants, your hair was actually pretty tame and you had no shoes on your feet. To anyone that walked by, they could definitely see the love you two held for each other.
When you pulled away, so you could look at him, you had tears in your eyes and a huge smile on your face.
"Surprise! Oh no, don't cry. Please don't."
"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm just really happy right now. I can't believe you're here. You're really here. I missed you so much. I love you, Michael. I can't even explain how much I do."
" I love you too. So would you like that gift now?"
"What? you actually got me something? I'm perfectly content with just you. I don't need anything else-
He held a finger to your lips.
"There is a reason I chose a rainy day to come and see you."
You thought about what he just said. He knew you'd figure it out, because he knew what he 'got' you was something that you wanted a lot. When you did figure it out, you smiled at him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Then yes, I would like my gift now."
He swiftly captured your lips with his and pulled you close. Your lips moved in sink and your arms tightened slightly around his neck, deepening the kiss. The rain that fell, was not even a bother. Simply because this was the gift. To be kissed in the rain. You had always wanted to be kissed in the rain, and Michael knew that. After a few minutes you pulled away from each other, only loosening your arms a bit.
"Surprise." He whispered in your ear, before giving you another kiss.
*okay so, I'm sorry that I hadn't updated for a while. I know it didn't seem that long but it might have been to some. I had writers block, so I couldn't think of anything. If you want me to start doing requests, I can. But I need a good amount of yes'. I only ask that they be kept pg or pg13. Bye my lovelies!

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