Why didnt you tell me? PT 1

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You woke from your sleep, rested but not awake. You didn't enjoy waking up as much as you used to. Not since your loss. Nothing had ever been the same since he died. And no matter how much you tried or how much you tried to rationalize it, you were still so angry with him.
You had warned him so many times that what he was doing was dangerous. He was playing with something that he couldn't control.
He never listened. And so you, his loved ones, and the whole world lost him.
So, you were angry. Angry at him. Angry at yourself. Angry at his doctor. Angry at the world. Everyone was to blame for his death.
You rolled out of bed and sighed heavily. You could hear your producer talking on the phone outside your door. She didn't sound happy. Then again, these days when didn't she sound angry?
She wanted you to change your sound. Ever since he died, you had been doing depressed or angry music. Prior to it, you were number one for hip and good groove music. Now you weren't topping any lists. People still loved your music, they just didn't feel that it was worth top charts.
After getting dressed and running a brush through your hair, you sat at your vanity and began doing your makeup. You felt something light and neutral was a good way to go.
In the middle of you adding concealer to your cheeks, Samantha-your producer-came in.
"God (y/n). You have no idea what I'm dealing with to get you a stage and crew to perform your next album. No one wants to listen to you cry about Michael anymore."
You loved her because she never minced words. However, the topic of Michael was one you never could go easy on.
"I'm sorry, am I not allowed to morn someone who was the best thing to ever happen to me? I'm sorry that I've been down lately. But you can't blame me for being angry." You stated with heat in your voice.
"Look, I'm sorry. It's just, you haven't sang anything happy since he died. The world wants to move on. And if you keep singing what you are, you are gonna get left behind with it."
You knew she was right. It had been 3 years.
"You're right. Look, I'll start working on more neutral songs before I go all peppy again okay? Is that good enough?" You said looking up at her with kind eyes.
She sighed and then a little smile slowly showed on her face.
"Alright. But you have to promise me we will get there soon. This time next year I want to hear happy music."
"Now hurry up. You have a show 2 states over tonight."
"Thank you New Mexico!
I love you!
Have a good night!"

And with that you ran off stage. You were sweaty and out of breath. You immediately headed toward your dressing room. Needing just a moment of alone time. And when opportunity came, you took advantage.
You sat in front of your vanity, trying to remove the stage makeup. You gave up on trying to remove all of the glitter. It never goes away the first time. It takes several days of showers and laundry loads. You had half of the makeup off when there was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's Sam."
"Come on in!"
She walked in and an tall man walked in behind her. He had long black hair, sunglasses and a strong jaw. He was handsome. But you didn't care. Your heart belonged to one man. And he was gone.
"(Y/n), this is Matthew Johnson. He's a record producer, director, and a big fan of yours."
You smiled softly and stood to shake his hand.
"Hello Matthew, thats nice to hear. How did you enjoy the show?"

"It was absolutely fantastic. You did beautifully. I do wish your music was less sad though. Did something happen to make you so sad?"

"You mean, you don't know?"

"No. I honestly don't."

"The love of my life died. He passed away a few years back."

You didn't notice it but there was a small smile at the side of his lip.

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's alright. What can I do you for? I don't believe that you came out here just to watch my show."

"Well, no. I was wondering if you would like to branch off into acting? I have a part in a movie that I think you would be good for and I'd like to give you a chance to audition for it."

You were in shock. What made this guy think you would be good for an acting roll?

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