Your what?

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Breathe. BREATHE. Thats all you could focus on at the moment. If you didn't, you would either freak out or pass out. You weren't exactly sure. You also were in complete shock. The news you had just heard, both made you extremely happy, and frightened at the same time. You had thanked the doctor then left the hospital, to get home to your husband. He was either going to be really happy or somewhat unhappy. You were pretty sure that it wasn't the ladder though. Once you reached the very large ranch, you jumped out of the car and went on a search for the man that changed your life.
You found him in the park with the animals, feeding them. You yelled his name and when he turned, you were already jumping on him. wrapping your legs around his waist. He managed to get a hold on you, before you fell. Stabling himself, he smiled up at you in curiosity. You didn't do this often, but when you did, it was because you were really excited about something. But, before telling him, you kissed him. Deeply, and with all the love that you could put in that kiss. He immediately started to kiss you back, holding you ever closer.
When you broke apart, you smiled widely at him and he returned the gesture.
"What has got you so excited, (y/n)?"
"Oh, just some pretty amazing news. Thats all."
"Oh? Do you want to tell me this amazing news?"
"Mmm, Nope. I think that i will tease you a little."
"Oh really? Are you sure you want to do that? Because, last time i checked, you are married to me and you know that i know how to get you back."
"I know. But, that doesn't mean i cant tease you." You smiled down at him again, and noticed the mischievous smile that was gracing his lips. You pecked them a few times, trying to make him get sidetracked a little. After a few minutes of that, you had hopped down from the hold you were in and began to walk back to the house. You could hear him start to run after you, so you began to run also. Before you could even get half way there, he had tackled you to the ground, without hurting you in any way. He flipped you over so that you were on your back and pinned you there with his legs.
He smiled at you and leaned in close.
"I suggest that you tell me, my sweet. Or you will face the claws." He held up his hands and you knew what he meant. He knew how VERY ticklish you were. And how could he not, every time that he put his hands on your waist, you'd giggle. You looked at him pleadingly, hoping that he would have mercy on you. But that was a failed hope. He had started by slowly running his fingers up your side, then began adding a little more pressure. You were holding in the giggles with all of your might. He then put the full blown assault into affect. The giggles burst from your mouth and rang through the air, making him smile in both victory and happiness. You squirmed around, trying to get out of his grip.
You were begging through your fit, but he wouldn't give up. So, you gave in.
"ALRIGHT, alright! I'll tell you! Ill tell you. Just stop."
"Good, now, what was this amazing news?"
You looked down at yourself, then to the side, not really sure of yourself anymore. You were so VERY excited to tell him, and now that you were faced with it, you were kinda scared. You looked into his eyes, and saw the genuine curiosity that was shining through. The smile that graced his lips, all of it gave you the new courage that you needed.
"Michael, you know how you really love kids?"
"Yeah, i am the one that knows me best."
"Well, your wish of having a child of your own is coming true. Im pregnant."
His first reaction, was a straight face. He looked like he was trying to comprehend what had just been said. Then he looked at you.
"Y-Your what?"
"Im pregnant."
A huge smile practically blasted across his face.Before you could really tell what had happened, Michael had lifted you up and was both hold you really close and swinging you through the air at the same time. He then moved you so that you were once again, wrapped around his waist.
"THATS AWESOME! IM GONNA BE A DADDY! THIS IS SO GREAT! I CANT BELIEVE IT! Im gonna be a daddy. AND YOU, your gonna be my baby's mommy. Oh gosh, thank you. thank you so much!" He kissed you deeply and held you close. Then when he pulled away, he lifted you up a little and made it so he was somewhat level with your stomach. "Hi, in there. This is your daddy. Me and your mommy are SO excited to meet you, and raise you, and sing for you. Im gonna teach you everything, and your mom is gonna help, if she wants. Oh i cant wait to meet you little one." he gently kissed your stomach, then smiled up at you. "(y/n) i will be there. the whole way. and if i cant be here, then you will be with me. I don't care what anyone says. You are coming with me if i have to go anywhere. I love you so much. Thank you."
"I love you, too"

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