Chapter 2: its over

Start from the beginning

"Chris!" I hear Abby growl at him.

Wrapping his arms around me Michael hugs me to his body while I feel Abby hugging me as well.

"Pl..please  ju..just  stop..." I stutter out.

"Shhhh it's ok. I won't let that happen again" I hear Michael whisper to me.

"Ohh fuck, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it... I.. I just didn't think" Chris apologies.

I know he didn't mean anything by it, it just. It still gets to me. I'll always be tortured with the images of what happened to me, but I'll soon learn to live with it. I know I can, I'll become the strong girl I once knew, but right now. I can't it's too soon, I'm not that strong. It'll take time. A lot.

"*sighing* it's fine, she knows you didn't mean it" Abby says sadly.

Sniffling I lift my head up and look into the eyes sad eyes of my four brothers. Smiling gently at them I wipe away the last of my tears and lean back against Michael.

"It's ok now. I'm ok. It'll take some time for me to get my strength back but I'll be fine. I have to be right" I say sadly looking down at my faded scars on my wrists.

Chris and Andrew looks at me sadly while James just stands there fuming.

"I swear to you Rosie, once I find the people that hurt you. I'm gonna kill them. I promise" James says clenching his teeth together to control himself.

"It's not worth it" I say sighing.

"It is to me, I'm gonna do this. For you" James says frowning at me.

"People like that aren't worth it. Not even the rapists, the murders or even the people that tortured me. Their not worth it...You'll search your whole life looking for these people and may find nothing or you may find something. I want you to live your life with your mate. Happy and successful. I want this for all of youse. Even if it means I live the rest of my life weak or in fear. I'm growing up and I can't have my big brothers to save me from everything" I say smiling sadly at them.

They all shake their heads with frowns.

"Ill never stop protecting you. Your my little sister. Family.. I'll kill those basterds with or without your approval. I'm doing this for they guys, my parents, Alexa, adri, Lucas and me. I have to do this. I need to" James says sadly before walking out the door.

Sighing at the closed door I can't help but feel a deep sadness. This was my doing and I'm going to finish it. I can't let my brothers search for these people. They have a life, a mate, kids. I want them all to live a happy life. And as much as I hate the idea of even squashing a fly, I'm gonna kill those basterds myself. Even if it takes me years. I'm gonna do it. For them . My family..I have to toughen up, I need to give my brothers a live without my drama in it.

"he's right rose. Your our sister, we'll find them even if it takes is our whole lives. We'll do it" Andrew says to me before walking out after.

"Hey don't worry about them now. Their gone, your here safe. With us"  Abby says reaching out to hold my hand again.

Abby has been with my brother for years now, shes like my mother, since they didn't have any children Abby and Michael treats me like their kid. I don't really mind. Since mom and Alexa left me I was taken in basically straight away from Abby and Michael. I still remember the first time I met her. I was five at the time, the same year I met Alexa. She found Michael..well Michael found her I guess, well their stories a little complicated. I guess they found each other ahah. But they are my favourite couple out of us all. It's not that I hated the others mates it just...I don't know I guess after Alexa left me we've drifted apart due to distance and the only one I really clicked with was Michael. Everybody was surprised at first because they would of thought the one I would cling to would of been Andrew. But of course when Alexa found out about me and Michael becoming closer she got really jealous after that, I mean she still is now. She always calls him the baby stealer ahah.

"Their coming in now" Michael says sitting up straight pulling me closer to him.

As if on cue the door opens and all three girls walk in with their parents and mates. Wow this is a full house...oh god, now I'm not so nervous anymore *note sarcasm*

"Alpha, luna" they all say bowing.

"Come in, take a seat" Michael says emotionless.

"So what was it you wanted if you don't mind me asking alpha?" Ryle's mom asks politely.

The thing I never understood was how come all of the girls parents were super nice and then you look at the kids. Honestly I feel sorry for them for having children like that. Just saying.

"Well first of all you know Rosie here. My sister" Michael says staring them all in the eyes.

Oh god, if I was them I'd be crapping my pants. Michael can be pretty scary at times and he's not someone you want to be in the presence of when he's mad. Shaking their heads they all look over at me. The parents and mates smile at me while the girls just stare at me like I'm a nerd, normal.

"Well, I'll let you hear her side of the story first" Michael says ushering me to go ahead.

Breathing in deeply I begin from where It all started.

(I can't be bothered to explain Rosie's side of the story so I skipped it, u get what happened though)

"I have come to a decision. As you now know that rose has been both verbally and physically bullied by your girls for years.
As an alpha I am commanded to protect this girl as she is apart of my pack but she is also my sister. I won't take it anymore, I need to do what's right in the pack and family. In saying this I am banishing the girls from this pack and school as well" Michael says coldly.

The girls start sobbing full on in their mates arms while the parents just sit there and beg with Michael to rethink his decision.

"Please alpha, they'll be good this time. It won't happen again" Cameron's dad says

"Im sorry it has come to this but your daughters have disrespected my sister for too long. I will not stand for it, nothing youse say will make me change my mind. So If you want to join your children then you can, but you are welcome to stay" Michael says emotionless

Squeezing Abby's hand in mine I tense up in Michaels arms. Oh god is this it, are they really gonna be out of my life forever.

"Please alpha..I'm..I'm so..sorry.." Ryle stutters out pleading with Michael.

If only their family's knew how fake this all was.. Trust me I've known them since I was little.

"You didn't say that to Rosie when you busted her lip this morning, did you" Michael says to them slightly angry "pack your stuff and leave my territory. I want you out of here now. Youse are dismissed" Michael says flicking his head to the door.

The parents and mates of the girls all bow their heads at Michael while the girls continue crying into their mates arms. Closing the door behind them I finally feel myself release a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. Dam that was...

"It's all over now" I say more as a question.

Looking at me Michael and Abby smile softly while she pulls me out from Michael and hugs me tightly which I gladly return. Michael soon stands up as well and joins in, kissing both our heads.

"It's over now" Michael whispers to us.

Feeling my eyes getting tearing up I hug them tighter. It's finally over. I finally get to rebuild my life.


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Hope use have a good weekend😎✔️😄
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