Chapter 53: Cora!

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        Cora still couldn't believe Zelena was dead, and that Regina accepted it and was okay with it. She needs Regina to become evil again, so they both can get revenge for Zelena and kill someone Rumplestiltskin loves so much. 
      Red was watching Emma and Lily while Snow and David were gone. They picked up their kids and went back to their castle. They were at Zelena's trying to find Regina because she wasn't answering. They found the crystal ball and saw everything that was happening at Rumple's castle. Snow knows she has to do something, but she doesn't know what.
     Regina was at her castle again. She was in her room thinking. Then Robin walked in shirtless after taking a shower. "Are you okay?" Robin asked laying on the bed. "I guess." Regina replied hugging her pillow. "I know you're upset.... But it'll be okay. You're mother is not a good mom and you were right to shut her out of our lives." Robin stated. Regina looked at him and began to cry. "Then why do I feel so wrong?" Regina asked. "I don't know. Maybe because she is your mother and you have that percet family fantasy in your mind. But no one here has that perfect family." Robin stated. "Someone does." Regina stated. "Snow's mom died when she was a little girl and turns out your mom killed her. It also turns out her mom isn't who she thought she was. Red's granny took Red away from her mom when she was a baby and told her parents were dead. Her dad really was dead but then she found her mom. Her mom taught her how to control her wolf and then she killed her mom to save Snow because her mom wsd about to kill Snow. She also killed a lot of people, and she didn't even want to or mean to. Belle's mom died to protect her. Then she called upon Rumplestiltskin to try and stop the ogres. She betrothed to someone she didn't want to. Then she left to be a slave to the dark one. She found true love but he didn't believe anyone can love him, so he let her go. Then she decided to go after him and got locked up by you for a few years. Rumplestiltskin only had a father and then his father left him and went to Neverland so he'll never age again. Pinocchio was originally made out of wood until Blue stepped in. Elsa and Anna were trapped in a their house their entire life because their parents feared Elsa's powers. Anna almost died, twice. One because of Elsa, by accident of course, and the other by Ingrid. They found out about their mothers past which she kept from them until after she died." Robin explained. "What about David?" Regina asked. "What about him?" Robin asked. "He grew up with only a mom but was happy. He loved his mom and she took care of him until it was time for him to take care of her." Regina explained. "True.... But he also had a twin that caused problems." Robin stated and Regina nodded. "See, nobody's life is perfect. Nobody has that rainbow and unicorn life that you think they have. There's always mystery behind it." Robin explained and Regina nodded in agreement.
      Regina's phone was ringing so she picked it up. "Hello?" Regina asked. "Regina?" The voice asked. "Belle! I'm so glade you're okay!" Regina exclaimed. "Yeah. Um.... We have a situation here." Belle stated. "What?" Regina asked. "You're mothers back." Belle replied. "What?" Regina asked. "He took away her daughter so she wants to take me away from him. He used magic and sealed me in the library, but it is Cora. She's trying to break in. Rumple should be back soon." Belle explained. "Where did he go?" Regina asked. "He took Balefire, Skyler, and Randy to Red's so he can take care of Cora.... But I think she's about to get in." Belle responded. "I'll be right over." Regina stated and hung up the phone.
      Regina called Snow and told her what's going on. "I'll be there soon." Snow stated and they hung up. Regina didn't know Snow found the secret, and the best way, of killing Cora and get rid of her, for good.
     Regina appeared and saw the library door open. She ran and saw Cora and Belle in Belle's room. Cora was strangling Belle in the air with her magic. Regin a pushed Cora and Belle fell to ground, gasping for air. Regina helped her up. "That was the dark ones magic. How did she get in?" Regina asked. "I. left the. library." Belle replied still trying to get air. "What? Why?" Regina asked. "She said. She knows where my. Babies are. And she'll kill them. When Rumple leaves. If I don't. Leave." Belle replied. Belle finally got her air she need and stood up straighter. Regina turned to Cora and got in front of Belle. "I can't believe believe I get to kill the purest heart and mind." Cora stated with an evil smile. "What are you talking about. "Regina asked. "I know who they are. The savior. The truest believe. They are both from the same blood line. But then.... There's the purest heart and mind. Belle." Cora stated. "Huh?" Regina asked confused. "These three people are powerful, but not in the obvious way." Cora responded. "What do you mean not in the obvious way?" Regina asked. "They don't exactly have magic or powers. But they're hero's, even more hero's then the ones with powers that's always out fighting." Cora explained. "But I'm not a hero. You must have me confused with someone else." Belle stated. "I don't think so. Emma, Snow's daughter is the savior. She starts out normal but will get her powers of light. Then Emma's first born son will be the truest believer. He'll believe things when no one else will. Then Belle. She's so pure, and Innocent. She's different then any other hero, ever. She is the purest heart and mind." Cora explained. There was a moment of silence.
Cora took a couple of steps forward. "I will kill her, I will revenge the daughter I wish I never gave up." Cora stated. She was about to use her powers, Regina blocked Belle, but then Cora gasped for air. She started clutching the area her heart is supposed to be. "Mom?" Regina asked. But Cora just kept gasping for air. "Mom!" Regina exclaimed. Regina ran over there and put Cora on her lap. "Please. I need you, I need a mother. Everywhere I turn everyone lost their mother by death. I need you, I need you to be good with me and accept me." Regina explained. "This would have been enough.... You.... You would have been enough." Cora stated. Cora's eyes closed and she stopped breathing. "Mother! Don't leave me! Please!" Regina pleaded and she cried. Belle walked over there and patted her on the back. Regina let go of her mother and hugged Belle who hugged back. "Why do I care? She tried to kill you! Why do I care?" Regina asked. Belle looked at Cora and closed her eyes. "Because she's your mother. No matter what happens, her death will effect more then you'll like." Belle stated and she soothed Regina.
       The next day she found out Snow squeezed Cora's heart until it turned onto dust, and she died. At first Regina was angry. She yelled at Snow and was close to shooting flames at her. But then she stopped and remembered everything Cora did. She then realized that if Snow didn't kill Cora, she probably would to protect Belle. Regina fell to the ground crying and this time, Snow soothed her.

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