Chapter 27: Stabbed!

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    Belle was in the library looking around and Balefire ran in there. "Hey." Belle greeted. "Hi!" Balefire greeted. "I was wondering if you could pick out a good book for me to read?" Balefire asked. "I'll love to!" Belle replied. A couple of minutes later Belle picked up a book. "This is my favorite book. It's the very first one my mom read to me." Belle stated and Balefire accepted it with a smile.
    Rumple was in his study when he sensed magic. He turned around, still in his chair. "Now why might you be here?" Rumple asked. "I told you you'll pay for the other day." Maleficent replied. Rumple stood up and walked closer to her. "How will you do that when you never have and never will be able to beat me or hurt me?" Rumple asked. "But there's a big difference this time. This time you have someone you care about. This time you have a weakness." Maleficent stated with an evil smile.
      Belle was about to leave the library when she heard some thing behind the bookcases. She followed the noise and heard another noise behind her and turned around. She saw Cruella there and gasped. She turned around and saw Ursala. Ursala lifted Belle up with her technicals and started choking her. Then Ursala let Belle fall to the ground and she was gasping for air. Cruella made Belle stand up and she started screaming. "Belle!" Rumple yelled. But it was too late, Cruella stabbed Belle, twice in the exact same place in the stomach. Then Ursala and Cruella went out the window and left.  
    Rumple appeared next to Belle with magic and his eyes were big. He knelt down next to her and started crying. Balefire ran in there. "What happened?" Balefire asked. Then he saw Belle. "Belle!" Balefire exclaimed. "Get the phone and call Dr. Welsh. Then call Snow." Rumple demanded threw tears. Balefire nodded and ran out.
       The three of them were at Maleficent's castle. "Where's the glove?" Ursala asked. "I couldn't get it." Maleficent replied. "What!? Why not?" Cruella asked. "Because Rumplestiltskin put a spell on it that only he can break." Maleficent replied and they all sighed.
       Dr. Welsh took Belle to the hospital, Rumple went with her. Snow is watching Balefire, Skyler, and Randy. She may be in bad condition, but Dr. Welsh will figure out how to help her, hopefully.

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