Chapter 20: Kidnapped!

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      "Now.... I will get the power I want, need." The mysterious man stated followed by an evil laugh. "Why do you want them?" Another mysterious person asked. "Yeah. You already have a lot of power." A Third mysterious person agreed. "Bedside. This is the Dark One, Evil Queen, ice queen, and the most powerful wolf we're talking about. Having these people we'll get to them because we have some of their loved ones." The original mysterious person explained. "What will you do with them? Is there anything you want from them?" The second mysterious person asked. "Not from Pinocchio and Rowland, but Belle.... She has a secret power that no one knows about, not even her or Rumplestiltskin." The original mysterious person explained. "Really? What is it?" The third mysterious person asked. "Knowledge absorption. It means your exceptionally smart. She can read or hear something and it'll be perminitly stuck in her head. Any knowledge will be stuck in her head, forever. Plus she can absorb knowledge from someone's head. That's why she's smart and is always on top of things. She thinks she's not special and can never help, but she sometimes helps more then the others or more then anyone realizes. I want that. If we had that then we can win and not loose like we always do. She's the key to everything. Sense we already have power if we want we could just use her, but more power is always better and I know what you guys are thinking. We can't take her powers yet because to do so we have to kill her and we need her alive right now." The original mysterious person explained and the other two nodded in agreement.
       "I will find Belle and kill whoever did this!" Rumple exclaimed. "This person is obviously a mutual enemy of me, Rumplestiltskin, and Red." Regina stated. "Why do you think that?" Red asked. "Because he took Belle, Rumpled most prized possession, Rowland, someone I love so much, and Pinocchio, your true love. He took both of your true loves and my son. It can't be against Robin because the only enemy he ever made was Rumple." Regina explained and Red nodded in agreement. "I guess but I don't have any enemies." Red stated. "That's true." Snow stated. "You killed people as a wolf. Maybe this person loved someone you killed." Regina suggested. "No one ever knew it was me. No one saw my transformation." Red stated and Regina stated. "What if this isn't about revenge?" Rumple asked. "What?" David
asked. "What if this is about power," Rumple suggested. "Getting them means getting us." Regina stated. "Then why me?" Red asked. "Your wolf side." Robin stated. They all sighed. They don't even know where to start.
     Belle, Pinocchio, and Rowland were in cages. Three small cages all next to each other. They could hear each other too. Belle was in the middle. Belle would sit by the side that was next to Rowland so she can talk to him. She feels like crying but is keeping it in for Rowland who won't stop crying. Pinocchio is just angry and he finds himself screaming to get out which gets Rowland even more scared and starts crying again. Pinocchio is trying to control himself because he doesn't want or like scaring Rowland. They all just want out and to return to their loved ones safe and sound.

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