Chapter 42: Half Sisters Part 2!

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    "How? You're green!" Regina exclaimed. "And you're rude." Zelena stated. "But it's true. We both have the same mother." Zelena added. "Why didn't I know anything about this?" Regina asked. "Our mother gave me up at birth. I didn't even know until I was an adult. My mom, or who I thought was my mom, was already dead. I didn't get along with my so called dad and he told me when my mom didn't want him too, but she couldn't stop it. Then I searched for my mom everywhere. I found out about you and that's when I started turning green." Zelena explained. "So, you weren't always green?" Regina asked. "Of course not!" Zelena exclaimed with a wicked smile.
  Robin got out of the shower and walked down stairs. "Regina? What's going on? Who's this?" Robin asked. "This is, apparently, my long lost sister." Regina replied. "What?" Robin asked. "Correction: Half sister." Zelena corrected. "Whatever." Regina stated. Regina walked over to him and gave him a kiss. "This isn't fair! It isn't right!" Zelena exclaimed. "What?" Regina asked. "You have this amazing life! A mother and father who loves you. A kingdom and before you became queen you still had an amazing life! You have a husband that you love and he loves you. You have two kids you love and they love you. You have all of these friends and their so close to you that they're like family. I deserve it all!" Zelena explained. "That's it!" Regina exclaimed. "What's it?" Zelena asked crossing her arms. "Why you're green. You're jealous. Your jealousy was so strong and spread making you turn green, the color of envy. You're jealous of me!" Regina explained. "Am not!" Zelena exclaimed and she put her arms down.
    Then purple smoke appeared and Cora was standing before them. They all starred at her. Robin held her hand and tightened the grip to calm Regina down.

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