Chapter 21: Lies Lead to Tears!

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    The original mysterious person walked down the steps where their prisoners lie with the other two mysterious people behind the original mysterious person. They opened Belle's cage and dragged her out as she screamed. Rowland cried and Pinocchio screamed her name, but it didn't help.
     The three mysterious people put down their hoods and Belle saw their faces for the first time. "Remember us?" The original mysterious person asked. "Maleficent. Ursala. Cruella." Belle stated and all three of them smiled.
    "Belle. We have an untraceable phone here. I want you to call Rumplestiltskin and ask him where the midas glove is." Maleficent explained. "He gave that back to you in return for me." Belle stated. "But he came back for it." Ursala stated and Belle looked hurt. "But he didn't tell you, did he?" Cruela asked. "This has just gotten interesting." Maleficent stated.
    Belle called Rumple. "Rumple?" Belle asked "Belle?" Rumple asked. "My.... Kidnappers want to know where the midas glove is." Belle stated holding back tears. Rumple froze. "I gave it up for you." Rumple lied. Belle felt a tear run down her cheek. "No. You didn't, did you? That's why you froze. You lied to me, who know how many other times you lied to me! I don't! I wish I did, I mean.... You say you love me. But then you lie to me and hurt me! How do I know you truly love me if you lie to me!? Your feelings could be fake and a lie for all I know!" Belle explained. "That's not true! I love you more then anything!" Rumple insisted. "Then prove it! Because, I don't know if I believe you. I don't know if you truly love me.... I don't even know if you know you love me." Belle exclaimed. "I'll do anything to prove it to you." Rumple stated. Belle started crying more. "I don't know if you can." Belle stated. Then Maleficent took the phone from her. "Hello Rumplestiltskin." Maleficent greeted. "Maleficent." Rumple stated with pure hated. "With Ursala and Cruela." Maleficent stated. "What do you want?" Rumple asked threw gritted teeth. "The glove. Bring it to the spot we met last time and then leave. Stay and we'll kill them all." Maleficent explained and left.
      Maleficent, Ursala, Cruella, Belle, Anna, Pinocchio, and Rowland walked to the spot and found the glove on a rock. Maleficent picked it up and smiled. But then her smile faded when she saw Rumple leave the cage. Maleficent grabbed an athame and put it at Belle's neck and Rumple gasped. But then Rumple used magic to bring Belle, and the others, plus the glove to him. They all left with magic. Regina, Robin, Rowland, and Hope left. Snow, David, and Emma left. Elsa, Kristoff, Anna, Olaf, and Sven left.
       "Belle! I'm so glade you're okay!" Rumple exclaimed. Rumple hugged Belle but Belle pulled away. She backed up and held tears back. "You lied to me! Then you aren't supposed to stay but you do and risk mine plus the others life!" Belle explained. "I did it to save you!" Rumple exclaimed. "But I almost died! You should have listened!" Belle exclaimed. "Belle...." Rumple started as he walked forward, but Belle walked back and put her hand up. "Stop! You hurt me again and again. I love you, I do. But right now, I need me. I love protecting you and mending your heart. But right now, I need to protect mine." Belle explained and then she left.
     "Red...." Pinocchio started. "Don't." Red stated and there was a moment of silence. "You hurt me so badly. I love you.... I really do, and I want to be with you, but I don't know if I can. I'll have to think about it. I'm glade you're okay, and I hope you stay okay. But for now, we can't be together." Red explained and then she left.

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