Chapter 5: Wood and Wolf!

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       Red was outside enjoying the fresh air. "Red!" Granny called. "Yes?" Red asked. "It's getting dark. You should come inside." Granny replied. "I won't kill anyone." Red reassured. "I know, but if someone found out...." Granny commented. "No one will. It'll be fine." Red insisted. "Just be careful." Granny warned. "I know, I know." Red agreed and Granny sighed. "That girl." Granny muttered as got ready for bed while Red looked at the stars. Red smiled to herself, enjoying the fresh and windy air. She always loved the outside and the night sky, with the moon shinning bright. It felt nice with the cool, fresh breeze. Granny walked outside. "Weren't you heading to bed?" Red asked. "I was, but I wanted to make sure you were alright first." Granny replied and Red sighed as she shook her head. "I can take care of myself, Granny." Red told her. "I've taken care of you since you were a baby, Red. I worry about you." Granny told her. "I know, and I love you for that." Red told her. "I love you too." Granny agreed. Red gave her a hug and Granny hugged her back. "Now go get some rest." Red told her as they pulled away from the hug and Granny laughed. "Okay." Granny agreed as she walked back inside. Red took a deep breathe and looked back at the night sky. 
     Granny was finally fast asleep. Red heard a noise in the woods and looked over there cautiously. "Find out about what?" Pinocchio asked, coming out from the woods. "Were you spying on me?" Red asked as she crossed her arms. "No. I was just walking around and saw a cabin. I got curious." Pinocchio replied. "Did you find your father?" Red asked. "Yes, he's fine. I just worry about him, and he tends to worry about me." Pinocchio replied and Red laughed. "I know the feeling." Red agreed. There was a moment of silence as Pinocchio smiled at her. "Now what was your grandma talking about?" Pinocchio asked with a smirk. "Nothing. The family recipe." Red replied. "Well, if it's that important that no one finds out about it then it must be good. I'll love to try it sometime." Pinocchio commented and Red couldn't help but smile. She felt bad for lying to him but she had to. She had to keep her secret at all cost. The only people that can know are Snow, David, and the dwarves. But at the same time, if she never told anyone.... How would she know if they truly like her for her? The answer is, she won't. But, she doesn't even know if she can trust this strange and peculiar guy yet. She has a feeling she'll see him again, so she'll just have to just wait and see if she can trust him, and if he's the kind of guy that would be okay with her being part wolf. "I better go. I hope to see you later." Pinocchio said with a smile. Red smiled too and watched him walk away.
     Pinocchio was walking away from the cabin. He was beating himself up on the inside. He wanted to ask her out, but chickened out instead. He's never liked someone the way he likes her. This is all very knew for him, and the only boyfriend Red ever had died.... Because she ate him, back when she didn't know she was part wolf. "Wait!" Red called making him stop. He turned around, locking eyes with her. "Yeah?" Pinocchio asked. Red took a deep breath and continued. "Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" Red asked. Pinocchio was shocked, but impressed. "Yeah, I'd really like that." Pinocchio replied, walking toward her. "Good." Red commented with a smile. "You have guts. More guts then any girl I've ever met." Pinocchio told her, kissing Red's hand. "You don't know how much guts I have." Red told him, and the she kissed him passionately on the lips and he kissed back. They had a good moment and then they split up. "I can see that." Pinocchio agreed with a smile and then walked away. Red watched him walk away and then she went inside and began getting ready for bed. 

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