Chapter 43: The Alore of Darkness!

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   "Regina." Cora stated. "Mother." Regina stated with hate. "Her?" Zelena asked and Regina nodded in agreement. Zelena walked up to her and slapped her across the face. Cora held the spot she hit and looked at her in confusion and disgust. "Well, that was unexpected." Cora stated. Cora looked at Regina. "Who is this?" Cora asked. "Your other daughter." Regina replied and Cora looked at Zelena with wide eyes. "But.... How?" Cora asked. "You thought I was dead? You thought you could leave me in the woods as a baby and let me die because you didn't want me or care about me. But didn't think twice before keeping Regina." Zelena explained. "You don't understand...." Cora started. "And I don't care. Was I a bad baby and she was a good baby? Or were you and still are just a cruel and evil person?" Zelena asked. "Let me explain." Cora stated. "No. I will get my revenge, on both of you." Zelena exclaimed and flew out the window with her broomstick, leaving Cora shocked and surprised.
     "Regina...." Cora started. "I'm not going to talk to her." Regina stated. "Come on. Please." Cora pleaded. "No. I just found out I have a half older sister that you put in the woods as a baby to let die. But it didn't work, a couple found her and took her in. Now she blames me because she thinks I have the life she should have had. Now she's going to come after me and possibly my family. So thank you, for ruining my life and ruining my happiness.... Again!" Regina explained and ran upstairs, followed by Robin.
     Regina was on the phone with Snow. "What am I supposed to do?" Regina asked. "You could keep your kids here. They'll be safer here." Snow suggested. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Regina stated. "No problem." Snow stated. They both smiled. "Just.... Be careful." Snow stated and Regina laughed. "Okay, I will." Regina agreed and Snow laughed. Then they both hung up from the phone.
     Regina got a text and sighed. "Could you go to the charmings to make sure the kids are okay?" Regina asked. "Don't you trust them?" Robin asked. "Of course! But.... You know me, I'm over protective." Regina replied and Robin sighed. "Fine." Robin agreed. Robin gave Regina a peck on the lips and then he left to the castle.
    Regina was sitting in the living room and stood up when she saw purple smoke, then Cora appeared. "You got my text?" Cora asked. "Yeah, I did." Regina replied. "So?" Cora asked. "I will not join you, I am not evil." Regina responded. "Come on. We'll make an awesome team, and if we get Zelena we'll be truly powerful and unstoppable!" Cora exclaimed. "I don't care! Zelena won't team up with us and if she does or not.... I'm not evil and won't team up with villains or do anything evil." Regina explained and Cora sighed in frustration. "So, you're telling me.... You don't have the alore to darkness like the rest of the family?" Cora asked. "There is no alore to darkness. There's just hero's and villains." Regina replied. "You think so?" Cora asked. "I know so." Regina replied. "Then what about Rumplestiltskin. He's trying to be good for Belle and his kids.... He has to fight the darkness inside of him every single day.... The alore to darkness. Like you, you may not admit it but you fight off the evil everyday. It runs in your family, just like Rumplestiltskin. It's harder to fight it then you'll admit." Cora explained. There was a moment of silence. "Even if there were an alore to darkness, I am a hero. Even if I have to fight the evil every day, I'm a hero!" Regina exclaimed. "I see. But being evil is so much more fun!" Cora exclaimed. "No! I don't care! You made me evil! You killed Daniel! I blamed Snow because she told you my secret! It was all your fault!" Regina exclaimed. "It was?" Cora asked. "Yes! I wanted to marry Daniel. I didn't want to become queen. I was happy. I don't need everyting in order to be happy. All I need is the man of my dreams and my kids. I'm with my soul mate now and we have his son with his previous marriage and our daughter we have together. I'm the queen in this castle, even though I don't need it to he happy. I have more then I ever wanted or needed. But as long as I have my husband and kids.... I don't care." Regina explained. "I see." Cora stated. "No! You don't see! If you saw at all you wouldn't still be here trying to force me to be evil! If you cared about me at all you would accept my choices and wants over your choices and wants and let me me happy." Regina explained. "Regina...." Cora started. "Don't!" Regina exclaimed on the verge of tears and there was a moment of silence and tension in the air and between the two.
    Then Robin walked in. "What's going on?" Robin asked. Regina looked at Robin, then Cora, then Robin again. "Nothing. She was just leaving.... And never returning." Regina stated. She walked over to Robin and gave him a kiss. She looked at Cora, waiting for her to leave. Cora sighed. "Fine." Cora agreed and left in purple smoke.
      It's been two days since they heard anything from Cora. Regina and Robin went over to Snow's to pick up their kids. When they got there the door was wide open. "That's weird." Regina stated. They walked in and looked around, but they didn't find anyone. They went to the Snow and David's room and saw Cora have a knife up to Rowland's neck. She also saw Zelena have a knife against Snows neck. "Leave them alone! This is my battle, not there's!" Regina exclaimed. "But they're family.... That makes them apart of this." Cora stated. Regina's hands started to glow with purple fire balls. "Why are you guys teaming up?" Regina asked angrily. "I still want my revenge on mother.... But.... You're first. We wants you evil.... I want you to suffer.... It's one and the same." Zelena explained. Regina's eyes went purple too. "Regina." Robin stated touching her shoulder, but she shook it off. "You might wanna leave." Regina suggested threw gritted teeth. "No.... Regina, this isn't you, this is what they want, you're not evil!" Robin exclaimed. "You can try all you want, but it won't work. Evil is her true nature." Cora stated with an evil smile. Regina was about to shoot purple flames at them but Robin stepped in front of her, making her stop. "Get out of my way!" Regina exclaimed. "See.... That's my point. If you were truly evil then you wouldn't have stopped just because I got in your way, no matter who I am. If you were truly evil you would have just killed me, but you didn't. You're a good person, I know you are. I've seen it all of the time. You're heart is pure and good, you're pure and good. Nothing can stop that but you.... Don't let them turn you evil when you are not I've seen you good and bad. I've seen you sad and mad. I've seen every stage of you and we have gotten threw all of it, together..... We can get threw this together too. I know you have to fight the pull of darkness and alore of evil all of the time, and it must be hard..... But you always get threw it and you always manage. You have people who love you and care about you and they don't want you to do this either. Prove that good is and true love is truly more powerful then evil." Robin explained. Regina was on the verge of tears. She looked at Snow and Rowland, then back at Robin. Regina's eyes went back to normal and the purple flames on her hands disappeared like smoke. Regina looked up at Robin and blinked away her tears. Regina hugged Robin and he hugged back.
  Regina used telekinesis to throw Cora and Zelena against the wall without hurting Snow or Rowland. Regina hugged both of them. She turned to find her mother and sister gone. Regina looked Robin, who was holding Rowland, and he smiled at her. She returned the smile. They left back to their castle with their kids.

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