Chapter 14: Split up Again!?

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      This person who wants Red, Belle, Rumple, Regina, Robin, Elsa, Snow, and David was watching. The person has decided he wanted to add a few people on his list that he wants or needs sooner or later. The people are Zelena, Dorothy, and Glenda. "What am I going to do now?" The person asked.
           Red and Pinocchio woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. "Hi!" Dorothy greeted and the two greeted. "Ronald! Kristy! Breakfast!" Dorothy yelled and four footsteps started to run down the stairs. Everyone sat down and started eating. "After breakfast you two need to get into real clothes and clean your rooms." Dorothy demanded and the two nodded in agreement.
         After breakfast the kids went to their rooms to do as their mom told them to. "So? Are you guys going to stay?" Dorothy asked cleaning the living room. "We don't know yet. I need to find my granny and he needs to find his dad. But we don't know where to start and all of our weapons was left where we had to leave." Red explained. "Well you guys can stay here as long as you need. Trust me it's fine." Dorothy insisted. "Thank you so much for all of your kindness." Pinocchio stated and Dorothy nodded.
        Everyone was having a good time in Oz, and this mystery person did not like that. So, the ground started to shake. Everyone is separated again and they can't find who they want. Red is with Kristy. Pinocchio is with Ronald. Dorothy and Zelena are together. Then the scarecrow, tin man, and lion are together. The wizard and Glinda are together. Everyone was wondering trying to find certain people. But they couldn't so they decided to search for them other places.
         Red and Pinocchio doesn't like being separated. Now they both have a small kid to take care of and they willingly are because the kids need someone to watch them. Dorothy misses her kids and can't believe she's stuck with Zelena. Now things are worst and they don't know what to do or where to go. But they're not giving up.

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