Chapter 13: New Strange Places!

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     Red and Pinocchio were walking in the strange place they had found. "What place is this?" Red asked. Pinocchio saw a big sign. "Oz." Pinocchio replied looking st the sign. They looked at each other and continued walked. Someone flew on a broom. "Who are you?" The green women asked. "Umm. I'm Red and this is my boyfriend Pinocchio." Red replied a little scared. "I see. Get out, while you still can." Zelena told them. She laughed and flew off. Then a girl with red slippers and another girl ran to them. "Are you okay? Beware of her." The girl warned. "Yeah we're fine and we'll stay clear from here " Pinocchio replied. "I'm Dorothy and this is my girlfriend, Kristy." Dorothy introduced. "I'm Red and this is my boyfriend, Pinocchio." Red greeted. They walked off and they explained to Dorothy what is going on. "Well, you can stay here as long as you like." Dorothy told them with a smile and they followed Dorothy.
       Belle knocked on the cabin, but there was no answer. She knocked again, but still no answer. So she opened it and got in front of Balefire when she saw an old women with a crossbow. "Who are you?" Granny asked. "I'm Belle and this is my son Balefire." Belle replied. "Why are you here? Are you thrives?" Granny asked. "No! Of course not! We were separated from my husband and twin babies and we need to find them. We're going to go on a journey but we wanted to rest up first. I swear we didn't know this place was already taken." Belle explained. Granny put down her crossbow. "You can stay here. You can stay in my granddaughters room. We were separated from the earthquake. I believe she's with her boyfriend, though. I hope so, because I don't want her to be alone." Granny explained. They went into the kitchen and started eating. "Who's your granddaughter?" Balefire asked. "Her name is Red." Granny replied eating some meat loaf. "I know her. We're friends and she's a great girl." Belle told her. After dinner, they went into Red's room and rested up.
      Rumple was pushing Skyler and Randy in their double stroller. He is determined to find Belle and Balefire. He hopes that they're okay and that they found a nice place to stay. He stopped to feed and change the twins. Then he put them to sleep and continued on his journey in hope to find his wife and son. It was long and hard, but they were worth it. 
       Regina and Roland were walking holding hands. The place was snowing. "How is it snowing in the summer?" Roland asked. "I don't know." Regina replied pulling Roland closer. "Regina, right?" Elsa asked as her and Kristoff ran to her. "Right." Regina replied. "What are you doing here?" Elsa asked. "We were split up from Robin and Hope." Regina replied. "Yeah, we were split up from Anna, Olaf, and Sven." Elsa told her. "I'm Kristoff, Anna's husband." Kristoff greeted. "You can stay here for now." Elsa suggested and Regina nodded in agreement. They settled in and ate and rested.
         Robin was with Hope and they were trying to find Regina and Roland. Robin heard some noises in the bushes and grabbed Hope closer to him. "Who's there?" Robin asked and a guy walked out with a crossbow. After they saw each other the guy put down the crossbow and Robin sighed in relief. "I'm glad it's just you, Graham." Robin told him and Graham nodded in agreement. "Do you want to travel with us to find Regina and Roland?" Robin asked and Graham smiled. "I would be honored." Graham agreed and Robin nodded. They all walked off together on their journey.
       Anna and Olaf were still riding on Sven. They weren't going fast anymore, though. They were going slow and just relaxing. "Where are we going?" Olaf asked and Anna shrugged. "I don't know." Anna replied. They both sighed. "Okay Sven, you can stop." Anna told him and he did. Sven layed down and rested. "Let's get some sleep." Anna suggested and Olaf nodded as they all got comfortable. 
   Snow was walking with the dwarves and didn't know where they were going. Snow was in the lead, feeling scared inside, but she wasn't showing it. "It'll be okay." Bashful reassured and Snow nodded. Snow sighed and kept walking. They stopped and decided to rest up. They ate and then went to sleep. The next day they left their kingdom realizing that it will be the only way to find everyone.
        David woke up the next morning and ate breakfast. Then he went on his journey and Gipedo gave him some food to last for a couple of days. David didn't know where he was going so he was just following feelings and instincts. David just had hope that he'd find Snow and Emma.
      Grumpy just started walking again after taking care of Emma and put her back to sleep. He didn't know where he was going but he knew he had to find Snow and David and his six brothers. Grumpy ram into someone. "Who are you?" Grumpy asked rudely. "I'm Phillip and a king. In trying to find my wife and best friend. They're together." Phillip explained. "Who are you?" Phillip asked. "I'm Grumpy, one of the seven dwarves. I'm friends with a king and Queen and this is their baby Emma. I'm looking for them and my six brothers." Grumpy explained. They decided to go on their journey together.
         Aurora and Mulan were walking when they saw a reindeer. They walked closer and saw a red hair women and a snowman. The women eoke up and jumped when she saw the strangers which woke up Sven and Olaf. "Who are you?" Anna asked. "I'm Mulan and this is Queen Aurora." Mulan replied. "Who are you?" Aurora asked. "I'm Princess Anna. My older sister is the Queen. This is Olaf and Sven." Anna replied. "Could we join you?" Aurora asked. "Sure." Anna replied. Mulan looked skeptical as Aurora got in the sled. Aurora gave her a look and Mulan sighed as she got in the sled too and they left. 

Once Upon A Time: No Curse!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon