Chapter 48: Ingrid!

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      "Here." Anna stated handing Kristoff their baby. "Why are you handing him to me?" Kristoff asked. Anna picked up a bottle and opened it. She found a piece of paper and read it, then her eyes got wide. "I have to go show this to Anna, Emma, and Ingrid!" Anna exclaimed. "What?" Kristoff asked. "Watch Hunter!" Anna exclaimed and then she left.
     Elsa and Emma walked in the not so secret room and saw Ingrid. Ingrid opened her arms wide. "Come join me! Be my sisters!" Ingrid exclaimed. "We want everything back to normal!" Emma exclaimed. "It will be.... Soon." Ingrid stated as she put her arms down. Then Anna ran in there. "Anna! It's too dangerous!" Elsa exclaimed. "Go. Listen to my sister." Ingrid stated as Anna walked up to them. "She's my sister!" Anna exclaimed and Elsa held her back. "You, all of you, need to hear this. It's from our mother." Anna stated and held up the paper. Ingrid's eyes went wide at that. "Elsa, Anna, I don't know if your father and I will ever get back to you. But I need you to know we were wrong to tell Elsa to conceal her powers!" Anna read. "How fitting is it that you, who's so much like your mother share who last words?" Ingrid asked. She was about to hurt Anna but stopped. "I feel terrible, but it happened before and I can't let it happen again." Anna read. "What?" Ingrid asked. "My sister Ingrid, like you, had these powers. I never told you about her or my other sister Helga, but I should have. They were beautiful and kind and wonderful, and I was fearful and I let they fear guide me. I let Ingrid hide when I should have celebrated her for the person she was. I love her so much!" Anna read. "You're lying! My sister hated me, she called me a monster! She put me in that urn like you did Elsa!" Ingrid exclaimed. "This crystal are the memories of my sister where I stole from the people of Arrendalle. Please return them, my sisters deserve to be known. In a cave, in the North Valley, you'll find an urn that contains Ingrid. Please do what I should have done long ago and release her. When you see her, please tell her.... I love her and I'm sorry. I'd give anything to take back what I did, to hold her hands, one more time." Anna read.
    Anna smiled and Ingrid looked surprised and confused. Then Ingrid started choking her with her powers. "Ingrid!" Elsa exclaimed. "Let go!" Emma exclaimed. Ingrid made Elsa and Emma fly back with her powers and Anna was gasping for air. "I understand Ingrid. I understand now why you cased this curse. But you can come back from it." Anna exclaimed. "You don't understand me! How could you? You're nothing like me! You understand nothing!" Ingrid exclaimed. Anna fell to the ground and dropped the letter as she still gasped for air. You're right! I'm not like you, my mother wasn't like you. But if she could love you for who you are then so can I. You're a part of our family no matter what, and family never gives up on each other." Anna explained. Ingrid let Anna go and she fell as she gasped for air. Elsa and Emma got up and ran over to her, helping her.
     Ingrid picked up the letter and started reading it. She pressed the button on the crystal and saw the memories. Ingrid looked up and her smile faded as she fell to her knees. "What have I done?" Ingrid asked. They all stood up. "It's okay! We can fix this!" Emma exclaimed. "No.... There's only one way." Ingrid stated. "No!" Elsa exclaimed. "It's the only way." Ingrid stated. "We'll find a new way!" Anna exclaimed. "There's no other way. I have to undo what I did!" Ingrid exclaimed.
   Ingrid brought all of the mirror shards towards her and they spun around her, killing her slowly. "You don't have to do this." Elsa stated. "There has to be another way." Anna stated. Elsa and Anna stood next to each other closely on the verge of tears. "I want everyone to get their chance, their happy ending." Emma stated. "This is what I wanted, my sisters. I want to see my sisters again, and I will." Ingrid exclaimed. Then the shards killed her. Elsa and Anna cried.
      Snow and Regina stopped fighting and everyone paused. Then they all started laughing uncontrollably.
      Snow, David, and even Regina all hung out with Emma for the next to days. They got to know her and they've grown to love her. Then she went back to being a baby and they all sort of missed her as an adult. But they're also glade they get to watch her grow up and take care of her.

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