Chapter 12: Split Up!

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        Belle and Rumple was split up. Belle has Balefire and Rumple has the twins. Red and Pinocchio were together but split up from Red's Granny and Pinocchio's dad. Regina and Robin was split up. But Regina has Roland and Robin has their daughter, Hope. Graham was split up from all of them. Elsa and Anna were split up. Elsa and Kristoff were together. Then Anna was with Olaf and Sven. Snow and David were split up. All of the dwarves were with them, except for Grumpy, who had Emma. He saved her from falling inside the earthquake. Everyone was scared and confused.
       Red and Pinocchio were walking while holding hands. "You okay?" Pinocchio asked. "No. I miss my granny." Red replied. "I know how you feel. I miss my Papa." Pinocchio agreed. "I hope Snow and David and everyone else is okay." Red commented. "So do I." Pinocchio agreed, giving Red a kiss on the cheek. They both sighed as they entered a dark forest. They walked deeper and they kept hearing noises. Pinocchio grabbed Red closer to him. A while later they finally got out of the creepy dark forest and saw a land they did not recognize.
      Belle was walking behind Balefire as she put her hair in a side ponytail. "Is Papa going to be okay?" Balefire asked. "Of course. He's a surviver." Belle replied with a supporting smile. They kept walking. "What about the twins?" Balefire asked. "They'll be fine. They're with Rumple." Belle replied. They continued walking when they came upon a cottage in the middle of no where. They looked at each other then went closer. "The Lucas Home." Belle read the sign, recognizing the name. 
     Rumple was in his castle. He looked out the window and saw the big crack that separated him from his wife and son. He heard crying so he rushed to the twins and brought them to his room. At least he's not completely alone. He's happy he had his baby twins with him. He fed them then put them in their crib and rocked them to sleep. He wants to go on a journey to find Belle and Balefire but he wants to stay with Skyler and Randy. He didn't have anyone to watch them. "Maybe I'll bring them with me." Rumple thought out loud.
       Regina was holding Roland's hand. They sat down on the grass and rested. "Where's daddy?" Roland asked. "He's.... He'll be fine." Regina replied. Regina stood up and grabbed Roland's hand and continued walking. They kept walking for a long while and kept taking breaks. They finally found a place they don't recognize. "I think it's a kingdom. But who's?" Regina asked and Roland shrugged. She continued walking into this unfamiliar place.
      Robin was with Hope and they they just left their kingdom. Robin's on a journey to find the other half of his family. It's kind of hard to go in a journey with a baby, but he needs to because no one can babysit. Robin found himself in a dark forest. He hugged Hope tightly so she won't get hurt. He tripped and fell but at kept Hope close, and she didn't get hurt, but Robin did. He became unconscious and Hope is crying really badly.
      Anna was on Kristoff's sled that Sven was pushing. Olaf was next to her. "Are we going to find the others?" Olaf asked. "Yes. I'll make sure of that." Anna replied. They're no longer in Arendelle because of the earthquake there was only one way out, and that was out of Arendelle. Since there's no snow, it's a bumpy ride. "Sven! Watch out!" Anna yelled and Sven jumped over a big boulder. But the sled hit the boulder and everyone fell out off of it. Everyone was okay and so was the sled. They all got back on and continued.
         Elsa and Kristoff were walking together. They felt uncomfortable. They never talked much in the past so it was awkward. "I hope Anna and Sven okay." Kristoff commented. "Me too. I also hope Olaf is okay." Elsa agreed. They were in Arendelle and they finally found the castle. "Let's rest up and eat then we'll start the journey to find the others tomorrow." Elsa suggested and Kristoff nodded in agreement. They walked in and are then went to bed.
        Snow was walking in her kingdom, looking everywhere for David and Emma. She knows David can take care of himself, so she's mostly concerned for Emma. The last time she saw David he wasn't with Emma. She's terrified. She finally found the dwarves wondering around. "I'm so glad I found you guys. Where's Grumpy?" Snow asked. "We don't know." Sleepy replied before falling to sleep. "The last time we saw him he was saving Emma, then we were split up from him." Happy replied and Snow gave a sigh of relief. "If Emma is with Grumpy then she's in good hands." Snow commented. She walked with the six dwarves still not knowing where David, Emma, or Grumpy was and still very worried.
        Meanwhile, David woke up in a bed that he didn't recognize. He didn't know where he was. Then a man walked in. "Who are you and where am I?" David asked. "I'm Gipedo. I lost my boy in the earthquake. This is his room. I found you in the forest while I was looking for him." Gipedo replied and David nodded. "I remember now. I bumped my head." David commented, feeling the back of his head. "You'll be okay." Gipedo told him. "It's dry blood, it feels like." David commented and Gipedo nodded. "Yes, indeed. Rest up and get your energy back before you leave on a journey to find your loved ones." Gipedo told him, leaving a plate of food for him and David nodded in agreement.
      Grumpy was walking while holding Emma. He was somewhere in the enchanted, forest but he didn't know where. Grumpy sighed and Emma started crying so he rocked her until she finally fell asleep and Grumpy continued his journey. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew had to find his brothers, Snow, and David.

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