Laced - Chapter 28 (Realizations)

Start from the beginning

"Bad boy, you say? This is nothing, love. I'd like to put them in my mouth and-"

We froze as we heard footsteps around the corner of the hallway, and Niall immediately pulled away from me, leaving a few feet of distance in between us.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and look over to Niall to see that his skin was also flushed.

Finally, a figure appeared at the end of the hallway, and I swallowed uncomfortably as I realized it was Master Zayn. I kept my eyes averted, and I noticed that Niall stiffened beside me as he crossed his arms.

As he approached us, he cocked his eyebrows, taking in our flushed appearances.

He knew what had been happening just before he interrupted us; I could see it in his chocolate eyes.

"Niall, Amber." He greeted us.

"Sir." I responded at the same time Niall did.

I stiffened as Master stepped closer to me. "Amber, I haven't enjoyed your company in quite a while. How are you, love?"

I flinched when Zayn snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me closer against him. It's not that I minded his touch - no, I didn't mind it at all, but it's because I knew he was doing it to make sure Niall knew and understood that he owned me, and him, and that he could do whatever he wanted with me, and Niall couldn't say or do anything about it.

"Just fine, Sir." I let out, my voice breathless.

I stole a quick glance at Niall, who was glaring at the floor, his hands in tight fists as he struggled to control himself.

"Good, babe. Let's go back to your room?" Master said, knowing he was pushing every one of Niall's buttons.

Although I didn't want to hurt Niall, a Master's orders were orders, and I was only a slave. "As you wish, Sir."

As Zayn pulled me away and back to my room, I stole a quick glance back at Niall as he stormed off in the opposite direction in complete silence.


Master Zayn exhaled deeply, thrusting into me for the last time before he pulled himself out and rolled off me.

His breaths came quickly and heavily, much like mine. He snuggled into my side, burying his face into my bare shoulder.

Although Master Zayn made me feel amazing, it wasn't the same like with Niall. Niall was loving, caring, and it meant so much more to him than just enjoyment out of sex.

With Niall, he didn't fuck me, or have sex with me. No, he made love to me.

But with Master, I was just another piece in his collection of toys he played with. Sure, he never took me against my will, and was extremely kind and gentle, but it wasn't the same like with my Nialler.

I closed my eyes, struggling to control my breathing. I was exhausted, and I knew for sure Master was also tired.

Which is why I was confused when got off the bed and began to dress himself.

"Sir, you're not staying?" I asked sleepily.

He shook his head, working the buttons on his shirt. "No, love. I have some work to do."

I pulled the covers over my bare body, too tired to get up and dress. I yawned, closing my eyes once more.

After a few minutes, I heard him leave the room quietly, without as much as another word to me.

And before I knew it, exhaustion took over me, and then I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up with a start when I felt my bed dip under someone's weight. "Niall?"

"Go back to sleep, babe. I know you're tired." He kicked off his shoes and snuggled closer to me.

I blushed slightly as he held my bare body closer to him. Guilt immediately rushed through me - I knew how much it hurt him to know I had been with Master not too long ago, even though it wasn't my fault.

A tear slipped out of my eye. Niall didn't deserve this, but there was nothing I could do about it. "I'm sorry, Niall."

"Hey, shhh, don't cry now." He hushed me, brushing away the tear and pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder. "It's okay."

I sat up, pulling up the sheets to cover my exposed chest. "No, Niall, it's not okay. You deserve better than this, Niall. I'm so sorry."


Niall's POV

I snuggled up to her bare body under the sheets. It hurt to know what had just happened here beneath the sheets - but I couldn't do anything about it, and neither could she.

I just need to feel her, to hold her, to make sure that she still loved me. I needed to be assured.

So when these words spilled out of her, I immediately assumed the worst.

"No, Niall, it's not okay. You deserve better than this, Niall. I'm so sorry."

Fear shot through me, my brain overanalyzing her words. "Amber, what are you saying?"

She looked at me, pain visible in her colored eyes. "I can't do this anymore, Niall. I can't do this to you."


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