Author's Note #6: Status Update

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So this is just a quick A/N to let you know where we are at in the story and if you really don't care then feel free to skip this. I sat down for like three hours today and looked through the entire plot of Naruto Shippuden (the Wiki is best thing ever, full of spoilers, but the best thing ever) and planned out the entire rest of the book. It took four pages of front and back of notes, but I have every chapter planned from here on out. Yay for being on top of things! (No, you really should be excited, it's a rare occurrence.) So I just wanted to let you guys know a couple of the things that are coming now that I know everything that I want to do with this story. First off, I have constructed the remainder of the story in a way that if you are watching the show as it comes out in English (like I am) this won't completely ruin the rest of the show for you. There will still be major spoilers, but I am going to leave a lot of what happens near the end for the anime. I have tried to avoid changing the events of the original as much as possible and instead merge my plot and OC into the preexisting material, but I am going to leave a lot of the final battles for the anime or manga (depending on which you prefer). There are definitely still going to be huge (and by huge I mean huge) spoilers ahead, but the series has technically already come out and most of the stuff that I am going to spoil is already pretty much common knowledge at this point so I'm not too worried. If you have somehow managed to avoid spoilers with some god-like ability (Ultimate Avoidance no Jutsu) then you might want to finish the real series before continuing with this book. All in all, I am super excited to finish this book! (Although if things go exactly as planned it will by 78 chapters in total plus an epilogue so I've still got a long fricken way to go.)

Other exciting order of business, I may be getting ahead of myself, but I already have plans for my next book! It isn't going to be a Naruto fanfic (sorry if that's what you were hoping for, but I am definitely not done writing for Naruto and Kakashi so don't worry too much), but instead an original novel. I have had this idea since like freshman year of high school and it has been begging me to write it and since I have recently begun writing on Wattpad, I have decided to finally write and post it. It is a dystopian allegory that's heavily influenced by 1984 by George Orwell and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, but a little more sci-fi than they are. I am going back over my old notes on it and ironing out the plot and themes and I can't wait to get it up.

Tomorrow I should have at least one more chapter uploaded and it will be getting back into the plot of the show and into the thick of things again. Now I am going to go and study for the giant biochem test that I have tomorrow morning, wish me luck! I'm seriously going to need it...

See you at the next update!!

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