Author's Note #4: Part II

2.1K 47 13

Hello readers! I just want to start by apologizing for the lack of updates today, I usually put up chapters pretty quickly, but there have been good reasons for my tardiness. First good reason: there are a couple of things that I am still deciding on for the plot, I have been going through the entire plot of Shippuden and making sure that I know what I'm going to do to avoid any pacing problems or plot holes. Second good reason: I have had a hell of a lot of other stuff that I've had to do today, unfortunately I do actually have a life that requires that I sometimes leave my room and actually do things (it sucks, I know). Third good reason: I have been working on something special for when the story reaches 1k reads. I just finished it like two minutes before writing this and I am super excited to post it! But I am going to wait until the story reaches that milestone before I put it up (we are at 822 reads right now as I am writing this so the wait shouldn't be too long). 

So to stuff and things pertaining to Part II of the story in particular. I have already written about half of the next chapter and should have it up soon. Also, Part II is going to be much longer than Part I (Shippuden just has more stuff that happens) so I am thinking about making my chapters longer. However, that will increase the amount of time between updates so tell me which you would prefer: chapters about the same length as they have been so far or longer chapters that you just have to wait a little more for. I'm really not sure which I should do... Alright so that's about all that I have to say so I'm going to go and finish typing the next chapter now! See you at the next update :)

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