Author's Note #9: Q&A

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For some reason, Wattpad unpublished this of its own accord, but here it is again... Sorry.

The A/N asking for questions is now closed. Also, 3k views!!!!! I can't believe that this story has been read so many times... I would like to thank all of the awesome readers who posted questions, and without further ado: let's get started!


Mullberrymalum asked:

ana: did you ever act out those 'steamy' parts yet :)

Ana: *blushes profusely* OF COURSE NOT! Did Naruto make you ask that? I'm sure that he put you up to it, that little perv-in-training... Ahhhh! But this is so embarrassing! How could you even ask a question like that? Author, this was not in the job description when you said that we were doing a Q&A session; I did not sign up for this! You know what, screw it, I'm outta here. *starts running away presumably to go and find Naruto and flay him alive* That is the last time that I ever use my feminine wiles! NEVER AGAIN!

Author: Ana, get back here! We're not done with the Q&A yet! You're the main character damn it, you just can't run off on me!

Ana: *Looks back over shoulder and sticks out tongue in an incredible display of maturity* Watch me.

Author: *sighs and bangs head against keyboard in frustration* Do you people see what I have to deal with?!


Mullberrymalum asked:

this one is for Naruto: what do you think of ana and kakashi

Naruto: They should just stop beating around the bush and get together already, you know.

Sakura: *materialized out of nowhere as soon as Naruto began talking about her OTP* Neither of them know how to handle emotions! They should just stop fighting it and get married already and maybe then we could stop meddling!

Naruto: Sa-Sakura, when did you get here? This is my question... But since you're here and we're talking about love, do you want to go and get some ramen with me after this as like a date?

Sakura: No.

Naruto: *begins sobbing like Guy does when talking about the power of youth* Why not?!

Author: *face palms* Can we please get back on topic now...

Sakura: Sure, to answer Naruto's question for him: Ana and Kakashi should just hurry up and get together already.

Naruto: *scratches chin pensively* But isn't Kakashi sensei too old for Ana? I mean, look at his grey hair...

Sakura: Actually no, Ana's 26 and Kakashi sensei's 29 so they're perfect. *fangirls*

Sai: *walks up while reading a book called "Understanding Romance in Literature"* According to my book, Ana and Kakashi have grown very close emotionally and are now perfect shipping material. So Author, why haven't they gotten together already?

Naruto: Yeah! What's taking so long? I hate waiting!

Author: *looks at everything but the three young ninja demanding answers* Um well... You see neither of them really want to have a relationship right now and stuff... And I suck at writing happy couples...

Ana: *barges in with anger radiating off of her in waves and unintentionally saving the Author from having to fully answer Sai's question* NARUTO! That last question was your fault wasn't it?!

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