Chapter 65: Breaking the Cycle of Hatred

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New POV, yay! Also, this story has now reached 4k views! Thanks for your continued reading and support. This is the shortest chapter in a very long time, but there just wasn't that much that I needed to cover in it. Because of that, today is going to be a double update! And then they feasted upon Sir Robin's minstrels and there was much rejoicing! Yay! (Monty Python and the Holy Grail, anyone?) Enjoy!

---------------Naruto's POV---------------

      Sai was bandaging my left arm with his usual blank face. Kakashi-sensei was standing behind him with his hands in his pockets, and Captain Yamato was next to him looking grumpy with his arms crossed. My face and chest were wrapped in white bandages, and I felt like I had been stampeded. But it was just Karui, a Cloud Ninja. I told her to take all of her anger at Sasuke out on me. I still can't believe that Sasuke joined the Akatsuki and kidnapped their master, a fellow jinchuriki.

      Sai finished patching me up, and I could see worry hidden in his blank face, "You really oughta have Sakura treat these wounds."

      I did not want her to find out about what had happened, "Nah, it's fine." My swollen face hurt as I tried to smile, "Plus, if she sees me like this it will only cause more trouble, trust me. Besides, I heal real fast. I'll be fine in no time."

     Captain Yamato crossed his arms even further, "If you can't go to Sakura, then you should at least seek help from some other medical-nin."

     "Ana," Kakashi-sensei suggested. "I'll go and find her right now."

     With that, he disappeared out of the tent flap. Less than a minute later, Ana walked into the tent with Kakashi-sensei right behind her. Of course she came when Kakashi-sensei asked her to, you know.

     "Oh Naruto, what did you get yourself into this time?" Sai moved out of the way as she came to kneel down next to me. She took a look at my injuries and froze. Ana activated the seal thingy on her forehead for a couple of seconds. Before anyone had time to react, the strange markings on her face went away just as quickly as they came. She put her hands on her hips and glared at me, looking a lot like like Granny Tsunade, "You really let her beat the living daylights out of you."

      Kakashi-sensei put a hand on her shoulder, "Did you just see Naruto getting these injuries?"

      Ana nodded and rubbed her temples with a heavy sigh, "And just what did you think that you'd accomplish by letting her beat you black and blue, huh? That they'd decide that Sasuke wasn't a rogue ninja just because you took a couple of punches for him?" 'Why are all medical-nin so scary? There's Sakura and Granny Tsunade and Ana too.' I shivered at how terrifying they all were as Ana continued, "I admire you for taking on the hate of the ninja world to try and stop its vicious cycle, but think things through a little more next time."

     I nodded as she began to heal my swollen face. "I just don't want us killing each other for revenge anymore." I looked up from Ana's intense focus, "Sai, what you did before, thanks for helping me."

     He froze and gave me a real smile, "Sure."

     Kakashi-sensei looked at how long it was taking Ana to heal my wounds, "Oh boy, they really worked you over." That's when Ana started healing my arm, and I gasped in pain. "Look, you need to take it easy for a little bit."

     I glared at my sensei, "No, I'm going to see the Raikage!" I had to change his mind about Sasuke.

     Captain Yamato gasped and did a double-take, "Naruto, what are you saying? The Five Kage Summit starts soon; every hidden village has agreed to travel restrictions and no unnecessary missions!"

A Hole in One's Heart [Kakashi Hatake]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora