Chapter 17: Sensei and Student

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I would just like to take a moment to thank anyone reading this right now. Thank you, you're the best! Now that that is taken care of I would like to give special thanks to mulberrymalum for commenting and voting on my story! (If you have commented and voted since I wrote this, then thanks!) 

This is a kinda boring part... Sorry, the mission is over and stuff, but I tried to make it amusing any way since nothing important happens until the next chapter. That's just how it goes sometimes. Well, enjoy!


     I woke up to the sounds of a forest in the early morning. When I turned my head, a dried towel fell off my forehead and tumbled a few inches away from me. 'That's weird, why was that on my face?' Becoming more aware of my surroundings, I found myself boiling up under a large mound of blankets and the coals of a fire lightly glowing several feet in front of me. Kakashi was to my other side, his back leaned up against a tree and snoring. He looked so uncomfortable, there was no way that he wasn't going to be stiff for a couple days after sleeping like that.

     "Good morning." His voice cut through the morning air. Grimacing, he moved over next to me and placed the back of his hand on my forehead. My cheeks began to light up a bright red. "Well, I think that your fever has passed, but your face is pretty red still. Maybe you should rest just a little longer before we leave."

     Peeling off the layers of blankets, I slowly sat with the blood rush making my head sway dangerously. "Slow down! Your fever just passed, you shouldn't push yourself this much just yet."

     "Are you worried about me, Kakashi? I should be fine; we are only walking back. If we had to run... Well, that just wouldn't be happening. Help me stand up please." He nodded and slipped one arm under my shoulders and slowly stood up, bringing my tired body with him. "It feels good to stretch my legs, thanks Kakashi." He gave me a closed eye smile.

     "You are suffering the after effects of chakra drain and your vision of the past. It will take a couple of days for your body to fully recover." It was cute that he was talking to a medical-nin in training like he was a doctor.

     "You're no doctor, but you do have a lot of personal experience with chakra drain from over using your sharingan." He laughed.

     "That's true. Alrighty then, back to the mission. We have fallen a tiny bit behind schedule, but in three days we should arrive in the village, and the day after that the second exam will have ended."

     "You really don't get a break, huh?"

     "Nope. But, I'm not the one in need of medical attention." I sighed, he did have a point there.

     "Touché, but what's the formation for getting back to the village?"

     "Same as before. I will take the lead, and you will guard Lord Asari with Hansuke there in case you need any help." I turned to leave, but I realized that Kakashi still had his arm around my torso keeping me up right.

     "Kakashi... You know that you can let go of me now, right?" He laughed awkwardly and quickly withdrew drew his arm bringing it up to scratch the back of his neck.

     "I am going to go and get Asari ready to leave. We move out soon." And with that he walked away from me quickly, his arms held straight at his sides.

     Hansuke slid up next to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "So... what's the scoop with you and Kakashi? I saw the two of standing there in a pretty intimate way..." He raised his eyebrows up twice quickly for added effect.

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