Chapter 8: A Hypocrite

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This is a short one, but a good one in my opinion. I don't own Kakashi (sad, huh?) but I do own my OC, enjoy!

--------------------Kakashi's POV--------------------

     After I teleported away from Ana and the memorial stone, I walked up to the Hokage's office. I knocked on the door and received a jovial "come in" and went inside.

     "Ah, Kakashi, what would you like to talk about?" He said acting like he was surprised to see me. 'I know that he can read chakra like book. He knew that I was in the building right after I stepped on the premises so why does he always act surprised when I arrive?' Breaking myself away from my thoughts, I turned to the Hokage.

     "Lord Hokage, I have come to make a request."

     "Oh, and what would that request be?"

     "I, um," I rubbed the back of my neck and blushed a little under my mask. "Well, you see, Ana is at the memorial stone mourning her parents, and I was wondering if there was any way that we could make a proper memorial for them since their graves will be in her old world..." I could not believe that I was doing this for someone that I had just met yesterday, but I understood her pain well, and I knew that it helped to have a place to mourn.

     The Hokage looked slightly taken aback, "I am impressed, Kakashi, that is a very thoughtful request indeed. I will find a place for them to be remembered. I believe that she gave us the names of her parents when filling out some hospital paperwork so we will have something to mark the site with. I will let you know as soon as we have something." He chuckled lightly at the thoughtfulness of my gesture, and I gave a little bow and then booked it out of there. I teleported to a little bit away from the monument and heard the gasping of someone who had just sobbed extremely hard. Ana was curled up in the fetal position at the foot of the stone, tears flowing down her cheeks and mixing with the grass. She was muttering something, and as I got slightly closer, I could hear what she was saying.

     "I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry. This is all my fault. All of this is my fault. If only I had been there, then I could have saved you. But I was gone. I left my parents and they died; I am such a horrible daughter." Her muttering was interrupted by a rogue hiccup and I felt a surge of compassion like I had never felt before. Slowly approaching her curled up form, I squatted down low to the ground.

     "Come on, Ana, it's time to go home." She just nodded in response so I bent down lower and scooped her up in my arms, and she curled up into my chest, tears soaking into my flak jacket.

     I don't know what compelled me, but I began to talk softly to her, consoling her as I walked carefully back to my apartment. "I understand how you feel. I will never forgive myself for the deaths of my comrades, but you have to know that your parents' deaths weren't your fault. They wouldn't want you to live like this blaming yourself. They would want you to feel happy and live your life to the fullest. I have seen so much life in you these last two days, don't throw it away when that is the last thing that your parents would have ever wanted."

     She looked up at me with the red puffiness of her eyes making their deep blue color stand out even more. "Wouldn't Obito and Rin want you to do the same thing?" I nearly dropped her because I was so shocked. She was absolutely right. I was a hypocrite telling her not to blame herself and to move on after she had only two days go by. I had held onto my grief for over thirteen years now. Who was I to tell her how to mourn? I guess that it just made me sad to see her this way, and I didn't want her to make the same mistake that I had.

     Pulling her to me even tighter I sighed, "You're right." She just nodded and nestled her face into my neck and I carried her home, the darkness of night pulling over the Leaf Village like a quilt.  


So, this is definitely may favorite chapter so far. Kakashi is just too cute for words. I know that it was super short, but the next update will be coming out super soon so don't worry. And, as always, thanks for reading!

Edited 4/13/2016  

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