Chapter 2: The "Real" World [Part 2]

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Warning, this was hard to write so I can only imagine that it may be a little hard to read as well.


     Fighting the urge to be an antisocial hermit, I slowly made my way down to where Alan and a couple of my friends were waiting for me at the door. I don't know what came over me, but I had this sudden weight in my gut as I walked by my parents on my way to the front door. Reaching out and engulfing them in a huge hug I whispered, "I love you guys so much. I will give you a rain-check on that Clue game, 'kay?" Mom gave me a second gentle squeeze, and Dad ruffled my hair. For some reason, I didn't even stop to yell at him for possibly messing up my braid. Grabbing my wallet, keys, and phone, I rushed out to my friends and piled into the backseat with a strange sense of danger, but I ignored it.

     It was a fun night of drinking and chatting. I was going to be moving soon; it wasn't too far, but it was far enough to make visiting my friends difficult so we all shared some slightly-drunk and slightly-teary good byes. Alan dropped me off at my house last and shockingly the lights were still on inside.

     "Hey, Ana, I can walk you to the front door if ya want?" Alan said as he helped me out of the car. This guy was always the gentleman; which is what made him such a dangerous flirt.

     "Nah," I said with a yawn, "It's super late, you can just go home. I'll be fine. I still have my keys and I also don't want to wake up my parents."

     "Really? Well, if you're sure, but it looks like they are still awake." Alan mumbled the last part while eyeing the rogue kitchen light illuminating the darkness.

     "I'm sure that they just left it on by accident. My parents rarely stay up too late. Well, Imma go home and sleep now! Catch you later, you dope. Oh, and Alan, one last thing, please don't text me tonight because you always keep me up so late, and I want to actually sleep. We can solve your girlfriend issues after I've had some rest," I yawned out. Alan took the hint, and with a quick wave goodbye, he turned, popped in his car, and drove off. I stood there for a couple of minutes. 'Why do I feel like I will never see him again? Alan wouldn't last a day without me because he's hopeless so there's no way that I would never see him again, right?' Slightly on edge, I made my way around to the back door and found it unlocked. 'What the legitimate hell?!" My parents were rarely careless so something like this put me on high alert. Feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up like ballerinas in pointe-shoes, I opened the door slowly and quietly keeping my eyes out for anything else unusual.

     When I rounded the corner into the kitchen, my eyes landed on something that was more than unusual. It was crushing. A scream died half-way out of my throat, and I willed myself to start crying, but nothing came, the shock shut down anything else. All of my survival instincts were yelling at me to run because the perpetrators could still be in the house, but my legs would not move. They simply crumpled, betraying me in my greatest time of need as I kneeled over the dead forms of my parents. My father was in front of my mother as if he died trying to protect her, and my mother was holding a phone, "911" on the screen and a finger hovering over the dial button. Both had died to a single blow, a stab straight through where their heart was. I know a lot about anatomy so I knew that they had died almost instantly and painlessly, but that did nothing to quell the storm inside of me. It was like I too had been stabbed through the heart. My chest felt empty and hollow, and I just leaned over their crimson bodies and shook, a sob caught in my throat. That wasn't the only thing caught there, I promptly fell onto my hands and knees and began to vomit violently. My whole body quaked and I focused on a small knot in the wooden floor trying to regain my balance when a shadow was cast over me. I only had time to look up long enough to see the strange man make some signs with his hands. His hands covered in the blood of my beloved parents. Then he thrust his hand down on the small of my back. Strange characters and lines stemmed from the point of contact wrapping around my entire frame until I looked like a case from a tattoo parlor gone wrong. A strange blue-ish, white light enveloped my entire body with a feeling like a hundred needles burning through my skin. My back arched, and I screamed in pain and loss. When I slowly opened my eyes I did not see the horrifying scene from my kitchen but a peaceful forest with animal sounds and swaying leaves. I promptly passed out from the pain, the whole world turning black, slipping from my conscious grasp. 


So that just happened... Sorry. Yeah, well this was super hard to write because all that I could think about was my parents, and I don't really want to think about them dying... for obvious reasons. Don't worry, the next update shouldn't be too depressing (I'm lying, it will probably be sad too), but hey, we're in Naruto now!!! (Also, I realize how short this ended up, but I promise that the next update will be a lot longer.)

Edited 4/13/2016  

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