Chapter 71: The Third Division's Battle Front

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Sorry about the delay; however, we have caught up to the English Dub. (Shippuden episode 335) If you are watching in English, like me, then after this chapter, there will be spoilers. Now in my experience, almost everything that happens in this show has been spoiled for almost everyone already (a side-effect of having the Japanese version so far ahead of the English). I mean, come on, we all know who Tobi is, right? The way that I have the rest of the book planned, what happens will be spoiled, but not how it happens (I'll leave the how for the canon material to cover). This is Ana's story, not Naruto's or Sasuke's or Sakura's, so things will be centered on what's happening to her as the war goes on. Because of her visions and stuff, things that happen are going to be revealed, but not in a way that will make watching the show as it comes out pointless (in my opinion, at least). Well, that's all that I need to say... Enjoy!


     I bent lower over Hokomaru's neck, "Faster, if you can. We need to catch up with Naruto before we reach the Third Division. I don't want to be mistaken as a disguised White Zetsu."

     Her tongue lolled out of her mouth a little as our pace increased considerably. "I'll do what I can."

     "Thank you," I whispered into the fur of her neck.

     We ran up along Naruto's shadow clone, and he didn't even look over at me, "Hello, Ana. Are you on your way to the Third Division too?"

     Before answering, I took a moment to look at the young jinchuriki. His body was a fluorescent orange, and thick black markings stood out against the fiery color. Even his chakra signature had changed. I had never sensed a chakra so full of life energy before. It almost pulsed with burning strength.

     "Yes, I'm heading out as medical backup."

     He nodded, "We're getting close."

     "Yep, we should arrive on the field in about a hundred yards."

     "I'll enter first, cover me."

     "Sounds good."

     As we got even closer, I could tell that there were only three reanimated shinobi left and a huge number of White Zetsu approaching. The front line of our defense was Kakashi, Guy, Lee, and Sai, and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest with joy at finally being close enough to the people that I love to help them out. I was done watching from the sidelines.

     Naruto jumped and landed between our tired forces and the fresh set of White Zetsu charging at them. Completely worn out, Hokomaru left in a cloud of smoke, and the yearling coyotes and I landed next to Kakashi.

     Lee was ecstatic, "Naruto can make multiple shadow clones to help us now!"

     "But, ah, actually, not right now." Naruto's whole body looked like it was made from strange fire, "I can't do that. Today, I'm going for quality over quantity."

     Kakashi looked over at me, "What are you doing out here? I thought that Lady Tsunade wasn't going to let you fight."

     "We don't have time right now for all of the details, but, much like Naruto, Lady Tsunade let me go. Besides, Sakura has gone to the main medical base and the other medic that you had stationed here was killed so you guys really do need me." I took a moment to glance over at him. There were blood splatters on his mask and a bloody gash across his torso from the fight with Haku and Zabuza. The great Executioner's Blade was being held easily in just his right hand, and Kakashi's headband was pushed up to reveal his sharingan. His eyes held an unusual amount of fire and intensity not often seen in the laid-back individual, but I had to tear my eyes away because it would be pathetic if I died ogling our captain.

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