Bake, Pray, & Love {Part One}

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"Miss, I'm afraid you must smoke outside and if you refuse, you need to depart because this is a family resort." The receptionist says brusquely. The woman scoffs, removing the cigarette from her mouth, and flicks it across the desk, hitting the receptionist's hand. She hisses in pain, covering the burn with her other hand. "You know what, Miss? Get out! Get out! Bob, please escort her out!" The receptionist exclaims. "Sure thing, Tammy!" The security guard shouts as he jogs to Cynthia and binds.

"But, my husband in front of the reception's desk is getting ready to rent the rooms! Where the fuck do you want me to go, you wetbacks?!" Cynthia angrily rants. The Walker family and my family turn our heads at Mr. Stanley, who was now dangling his head in shame and pinching his nose bridge with his fingers. "Merda (Shit)!" Mr. Stanley curses.

"Stanley, did she just call you her husband?" Miss Tessa questions with disbelief lacing in her voice and I can tell we all stare with cow eyes because our eyes are gluing at Mr. Stanley. Just as he's about to respond, Miss Tessa cuts him off. "No, save it, Stanley! I maybe your ex-wife, but I cannot believe you have the temerity to marry one of our own son's ex-wife!"

"Dad, when did this happen?" Danny, Trisha, and Randall inquiry at the same time.

"It started four days after Randall and Cynthia got married." Mr. Stanley confesses. My mouth gapes. Why didn't Mr. Stanley tell his family? "You got with my ex-wife four days after my honeymoon?! Do you know how that makes me feel?" Randall clench his teeth where his jaw tautens. His eyes darken and I peer at Danny, Trisha, and Miss Tessa exhaling heavily as they shake their heads in disapproval. Randall stampedes to the wall and raises his fist and strikes it against the wall, following by an indignant growl.

"Please, excuse my behavior, ladies and gentlemen." I motion my head at the receptionist. "Your rooms are all set and here are your room cards. And again, I'm very sorry you guys had to see that." Tammy apologizes as she gives us our room cards the same time we thank her and head to our rooms.

"Tammy?" I turn around to see Paige offering Tammy the receptionist her bottle of cold water for her wound. She offers Paige a Dum-Dum lollipop. Paige's eyes broadens, she gasps for air, and her mouth widens before she obtains the lollipop.

"Mommy! I got a lollipop!" Paige exclaims with her eyes beaming. I smile, but it doesn't last long because of how Danny and his family are feeling about their father not alerting them that he's married to Randall's ex-wife. To allow them to regain their composure; Kendra, Cousin Michelle, Camille, Vera, Kandi, Samantha, and I decide to go to the gym to inhibit the rising tension Danny and his family are experiencing in the lobby. I don't want to be a distraction to Danny and his family while they're trying to apprehend why Mr. Walker chose to marry Cynthia without asking his family for their opinions.

An hour and half after the girls and I went to the fitness center in order to allow Danny and his family to blow off a lot of steam, we walk back to our suites with his family. I shared my suite with Danny while Randall, Kendra, and Violet shared their own room. Mr. Walker would be sleeping in a pull up bed as Miss Tessa would sleep on the bed. Trisha, Jackson, and Iris have their own suite room. When Danny and I came back to our suite, he squeezed me in his arms and his face was filled with remorse as he apologized to me.

Present Day

The knock on the door interrupts me from removing hair pins from my hair to create curls. "Coming!" I exclaim and head to the door. I open it and there are Kendra, Violet, Trisha, Iris, Camille, Paige, and Cousin Michelle are wearing T-shirts and a pair of jeans with their shoes on. "Happy Valentine's Day morning, Jaelyn!" The girls respond in unison.

Me, My Curves, and I {Interracial Romance} #Wattys2017Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat