Chapter 30< New Meet

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Hey loves!!! 
I am sorry for not updating for soo long.. Actually my exams are coming so I am having a lot of problem in managing my time....

♥♥Happy Valentines Day to all of you... ♥♥ I hope you have a great time with your partners...

So here's the chapter...


Andrew's POV

I enjoyed it. To the fullest. This was probably the first and best date of my life. I have actually started liking to stay with this girl. Since the day Ash entered my life my life has actually changed. It's not the boring one. Getting up early, going for football and then studying the whole day.  She changed everything. She had changed the way I used to love earlier. She has given me a new way to live. Earlier I hardly smiled or laughed or even hardly I got time for myself.

But I do think that why am I feeling so special about it? 
This feeling is totally alien to me.

"Andy, come down baby! "
shouted mom .

"Andy!! Come Down !"
She shouted again.

But I guess I was in my thoughts dreaming about Ash.

"Andy,  Ash's come, darling!"

"Coming mom! " I instantly said.

What did I just say?  Not again. My mom always does that to me. This is so wrong.

"Mom,  not fair! "
I said sitting on the couch.

"Andy,  what to do?  I called you twice or I should say that I shouted twice and you were busy thinking about Ash. "

"Sorry mom."

"Actually, this is the 4th day since you have behaved like this.  I am your mom,  so you may share anything. "

"I-I don't know m-mom.... Like... I am... confused...."

" Okay.. Relax.. Lets  change the topic. How's school? "
She said making me relaxed.

"Good and I have go tomorrow to the field at 4 am sharp."

"4am??So early?? "

"Yeah mom... We are having our match coming up. "

"Fine.. I ll wake you up. "

"Thanks mom.... Love you. "
I said hugging her and going back to my room.


Ashley 's POV

I am so lucky. I actually spent a whole day with Andrew. And that too on Valentines Day. Actually all the credits go to Akira. I wish that date would never end. I wanted it to go on and on. Akira finally got a perfect boyfriend for her. I liked Mas. He was understanding and care . I was actually happy for my best friend .

"Hey Mom! "
I said hugging her and sitting down for breakfast.

"Good morning darling! Enjoying? "
She chirped back.

"Yeah.. Mom I'm really hungry.. Mind you could give me something to eat?"

"Sure. By the way Ash,  what's with your new friend? "

I gulped.

"New friend? Who?? "

"Come on,  Ash.... I know everything. I am your mom... You know exactly whom I am talking about! "

"No I don't mom. "
I said rolling my eyes.

"Andrew. "

I slightly blushed.

"An-Andrew.. Who told you? "

How come mom got to know about Andrew?? I didn't tell her. Wait, did I tell her?  No I didn't.

"Someone. "

"Mom,  he's just a friend. "

"Okay Okay.... Calm down.. Have your breakfast. "

She said smiling.

After having my breakfast I went upstairs to take a quick shower and get ready. We had our off today because yesterday was Valentines, so I decided to go to Starbucks .

I quickly slipped in my black crop on which it was written that 1D is Bae and my skinny jeans.

Did I mention earlier that I was a huge fan of  One Direction?

At Starbucks:

"Ma'am,  anything else?" asked the girl on the bill counter.

"No.. Nothing else. Thank you. "

"Please wait for a minute. "

She gave me my coffee and I started to find a vacant seat.
As I was wandering around with my coffee in my hand, I accidentally bumped in to someone.

"Can't you walk properly! " screamed that unknown boy.

"I-I am so-sorry!! " I mumbled.

"You actually spoilt my favorite tee! "

"I am sorry. Actually I was looking somewhere else. I'll clean it up. "

And then I looked at the boy. He had dark hazel eyes and was a bit taller than me. I must say that he was actually very hot.
Control Ash. Control. You have a crush.

"Ah!  Never mind.. I guess I was a little a more angry. By the way I am Samuel Holmes . "
He said suddenly cooling up and putting his hand forward.

"Ashley Wilson. " I replied shaking his hand.

His touch actually sent shivers down my whole body.
But I. Will. Control. Myself.

I said to myself.

"Lost somewhere?! "
Ask Samuel.

"N-No nothing... "

"See you around. Bye. "

"Yah.. Bye. "


"Students,  we have a new person coming. Please cooperate with him and try making him comfortable here."

A new guy.

Since I was constantly looking at Andrew ,it didn't matter to me.

"Ashley you are sitting with him."

"Y-Yeah ma'am "
I said breaking up from my thoughts and standing up suddenly.

Why me!!  Now, sit with a new guy. It was not like that I was not excited about it but I didn't want him to sit with me.

"Here he comes. Meet Samuel Holmes. Class,  he is your new classmate. I hope you all have a good time. "

Samuel!!! Wtf!!!! How could he come to my class and I now have to sit with him!!  I am literally afraid that what if I get too close with him or fall for him?

Our teacher directed Samuel to sit with me.

As soon as he saw he was super perplexed.

"You're Ashley? Aren't you?  We met yesterday, right? "
He said sitting.

"Y-Yeah.. "

Just then the bell rang. Thank god. I swear I don't know what's happening to my life.

What will happen next? Will someone come between Ash and Andrew??
Read through to find out.


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