Chapter 26< Awkward

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Andrew's POV

" Mom, she's just a friend.. Nothing else. " I groaned while having my pan cake .

As soon as my mom got to know "all" about Ashley she was constantly teasing me from morning that she must be my girlfriend or something.
This is was actually everyday 's case. My mom wanted that I be friends with girls and at least have a girlfriend. But my nature was completely different.

"Okay... But tell me still how does she look?  Is she ugly or something like that? " my mom ask with a big grin on her face.

"No way!  She is extremely beautiful! "
I suddenly spoke.
But then I regretted what I just said.

"So???? !!! You find her beautiful... Andy this one's for the first time. You never said any girl beautiful ??What's the matter boy?
Mom said inspecting me like an FBI agent.

"I -I just said. What's a big deal in that?"

" Mr. Andrew Marks I think you like that girl. " she said announcing as if it was the truth.

How can I like a girl. It's impossible. For sure.

"Mom please.. Not again. SHE IS JUST A FRIEND. FRIEND. Nothing else. " I said protesting.

"I want you to call Ashley for dinner tonight. " she ordered.

" But mom--"

"Not at all Andy. Can't you fulfill your mother's wish? "
My mom asked pouting.

Again. Her emotional blackmail.

"Fine... But what if she denied my offer?  And what will I give her a excuse to come to my place?"
This was a issue. Big issue.

"That's your headache not mine and she even allowed you to stay at her house for a week! Then why can't you bring her on tonight? "
And with this she got up from her chair and went into the kitchen .

Now I have to invite a troublesome creature to my house! But how.....


I decided to talk to Mason today in the school for this problem. He was used to this stuff. Calling girls at home ,in parties etc etc. So I texted him.

Hey. Need to talk to you. Can we meet in the recess?

Okay.. Even I have something to tell you.

Great. Bye.



"Hey mas! Going good? " I ask him while having my cheese cake as soon as I saw him coming to my table. .

"Yup..You wanted to tell me something?

"Yeah.  Actually I wanted some idea. "

"What? "

"Umm.. So actually my mom wanted me to call Ash at home for dinner..... But I - I - I don't know how to do that." I said at last.

It was difficult. Me,  talking to a boy about a girl and too about me calling her for dinner. Awkward.

"So tell her directly on her face. What so confusing about it? "
He said with a shrug.

"Come' on mas.. I can't just go and invite her straight. There has to be some....  pro-protocol? "

"Seriously Andy?! I mean you need a protocol for asking a girl to come for dinner tonight?  That's so stupid. "

"You know me mas. I am different. I am not like you. I am  not so straight forward. Please please help me. Mom will literally kill me. She wants Ash home tonight for dinner at any cost. " I said pleading him.

" Okay.  Fine. I'll give you some idea!"

And then he started to think like a detective.

"Got it! " he finally said jumping up from his chair.

"What is it? "
I ask with a lot and lot of curiosity.

"So the plans starts like this:
I will tell Ash in the third hour today that you wanted to meet her  in the ground and -----

"You mad or what? !! I am not lying and that too to a girl. Don't you have some other idea? "

"But you are not lying. I am lying. "

"But you are lying about me though."

"You first listen. So I will call her at a time when the ground is empty.  You wanted to talk to her alone. Right? "


"Then you can say everything to her. Finish. "

"Yeah.... But.... Okay fine.  I'll try my best. What if I am not able to? "

"Andy you have to do it! "

"Okay okay. Even you had something to tell? "

"Yups." He took a deep breath and started.

"Andy,  actually I had proposed someone yesterday. "

" Again. What's new in that? By the way, who? "

New girlfriend again. Mason always had a new girlfriend every month. He was good looking so most time he did not get rejected. But this time he was looking a bit serious.

" Listen , this time it's a serious one. No dumping. No breaking up after a month. I have promised myself. "

"Okay. Who is  the one? "

" Look,  don't freak out... It's.... Akira ."

" Akira!  You serious!  You know right she is Ashley ' s best friend. "

"So what?! By the way I didn't get rejected. "

"Yeah. But that doesn't mean you would be in a relationship with ash's bestie. Didn't you get anyone else? "

"Never mind. Chill out  dude. You just worry about our plan. It's now! "

"Yeah. " I said returning back to the older topic.

I was sweating. Finally it was the time that I had to go the field and invite Ash for dinner at my place . Difficult. Challenging. All in one.

When I went their I saw her standing in the field in a blue skirt and off white top accompanied with ankle boots. She was looking....
Concentrate Andrew. I stopped myself as I was turning out to be the boy Mas was.

"Hi ash. "

"Hey. "
She said in her sweet voice.

"All good? "

"Yup. You wanted to talk..mas told me.?"

"Yeah yeah. Actually I -I wanted to..... ask... you... Something. " I murmured.

"What? " she said with a grin.

I spoke so fast that it was coming out to be a new vocabulary word.

Ashley 's POV

He was so fast that I couldn't even get him.
I was nervous. Not because Andrew had called me but because Akira told me that he might ask you out when I told her she had called me  alone.

"I am  sorry I didn't get you. "

"I was saying that can you come to my place for di-dinner tonight?  Actually my mom's wants so. She wants to meet you. Please? "

I was about to jump and say Hurray!! But I didn't speak a word.
I yelled inside my head.

"Of course. Why were you so perplexed about this?  I mean this is such a small thing. You took so much time just to say this? "
I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah..... So you're coming, right? "

" Yuppers. "

" Okay then bye!" he said with a sigh of relief.

"Bye!" I waved him back.

Today I ' m going for dinner at Andrew's place!! Have to tell Akira right now!!


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