Chapter 1 < The first meeting

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Ashley's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm that was buzzing in my ear which means I slept with it again.

"Ash, come down, baby! Breakfast is ready. Get up." my mom shouted from downstairs.

"Coming..... " I snoozed.

I went to the washroom and took a quick shower. I then selected my outfit of the day.
It was a floral crop top with my black leggings and my converse.

"Hey, Mom! "
I chirped while sitting on my chair .

"Hi darling! I have made pan cakes for you! Would like to have some? "

"Always ready for your pancakes!"

I did my breakfast and picked up my car keys and rushed out.
I was getting late!


"Hey Akira! "
I said to Akira who was standing at her locker .

"Hi, ash! "
She replied.

Akria and me were together since kinder garden. Now we were in the high school.

Lynbrook High School, San Jose,California

was the name. She was my best mate and we rocked together!

"So? Going good?"

"Yeah.... You know Ash the new bee of our class? "

"Who? "
I asked.

Today our new term was starting so probably many new students were in our school.

One of them was in our class as well .

"Come with me I'll show you! "

And with this she pulled my hand and took me with her to the classroom.

"Wait Akira! "
I kept saying.

I wonder why is she so much excited about a new student?

As soon as I entered the class I overheard almost every girl of our class saying You saw him? He is so handsome, right?
And blah blah blah

I actually hated these type of girls. They probably had just one motto in their life and that is Boys! They just know how to gossip and be with boys and flirt with them.

I was none of that category. I was a simple decent girl but on the other hand I had this troublesome group of which I was the leader.

Yeah!! I loved troubling people...

"He was there at the last bench! "
exclaimed Akira.

And then I saw this boy sitting on the last bench with his books and a notebook on which he was copying down something.

He was fair and was having a messi cut.

Andrew Marks, he was from Chicago and had topped in his previous high school.

He was excellent in football and was selected in the school team at once trial only.

was all I got to know about him.

Many of my friends had started liking him including Akira.

I then reminded her that she had a boyfriend and she started to smile.

"Ash, don't you think he looks so good? "
Asked akira.

"I don't know... I mean I didn't check him out! And plus he is so dumb. Books. Always with him. "
I answered.

"Come on ash, don't lie to me! You did check him.. "

"No I didn't. "
I protested.

Just then I saw Ethan passing by.

He was my best friend like Akira. He was actually the bestest friend I could ever get!

"Hey Ethan! "

"Hi...... Ash."

" All good? "

"Ash, actually Amelia was calling me. I think I should better leave. "

"Oh! Ethan... We didn't even talk in the holidays. Let her call. You talk-------"

But before I could finish Ethan walked past me leaving me alone.

He behaved differently today. Anyway, he must be busy or something.

I turned back to Akira who was now trying to make a "Andrew Marks Fanclub"

I thought of going to him and talk to see how he was.

"Hello ,Mr .bookworm" ! I called him.

I think maybe this was a name that would suit him well!

" Hi" .... he replied without even looking up.

" So , you are new in our school , by the way I am Ashley Wilson".

"Ummmm.... I am sorry I really don't talk to girls much." said marks

"Neva mind "... after having a small conversation I went back to Akira .

He so shabby! Stupid Marsian.
How can he ignore, Ashley Wilson?! I thought .

"He is so hot" replied Akira in a flirting tone.


Hey lovely people!!!

So I know it was a small chapter... but this is my first story... well I hope u enjoyed reading...


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