Chapter 4<Shocked!

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Ashley's pov

he is my brother"! exclaimed Veronica while eating her pizza. I was shocked as I didnt expect this ever in my dreams also. Andrew Marks And veronica are poles apart! except that their surnames and similar. Veronica Marks.

"ver, u neva told me that you even had a brother,"

"come on ash, he is my cousin brother"."He just came from Chicago.He was living there since childhood."

"btw ver, he is in my class. But I must say that you both are poles apart. You are such a swaggg kinda but your brother is so bookish!"

" I noe... I think thats why he is my cousin"!!!

We chuckled together and then talked for some time about school. I told her about akria and dammy and she laughed .
Suddenly she got a text which was probably from her mom thats why she ought to go.

"I have to go ash".
"but why??!!!!!"
ofcourse if veronica will go i ll have noone for my company.

"I dont know really.My mom is saying that there is something urgent. sorry darling! "

"fine then. take care !!" I waved her and gave her a small hug. She hugged me back and we let go each other"

I went home after finishing my pepsi and pizza.


I got a beep from my phone telling that I have a text . It was from veronica.

V-would u mind doimg me a favour:D?
Me- yah sure.
V-come to my place will explain you everything.

I wanted to say "no" because I was really tired but she was a good friend so yah I had to go.
I grabbed my car keys and went to her place.

She lived in a big villa kinda house and everytime I went there I used to find the place very mysterious probably because of the large rooms and a long long hallway.

When I rang the bell , I was greeted with a familiar face. It was Jenny, Veronica's mother.

"Hi Jenny!"

"hello ash mah darling! Ver told me that you were coming by , so I already have done the preparations for your favourite mac and cheese!"

"thanks jenny"!
Everytime I went to Veronica's place , jenny always served us with my favourite mac and cheese.i loved them!!

so, I straight away went to Veronica's room to see her sitting there.

"hi ash , again!"

"hi... so how can I help you ver?!"

" see ash, at blu-o I told you about my cousin brother, Andrew. He is in your class right?"


"so ....I-I- just wan-want you to.... keep him with you at your house for a week or so-oo?!!!!

so guys now what will happen next??!!!!

read through to seeee...

with regards and love ♥:D:D

Always There For You (#Wattys2016)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora