Chapter 5< Excuses and Arguments

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Ashley's pov

"so ....I-I- just wan-want you to.... keep him with you at your house for a week or so-oo?!!!!
shuttered veronica
I was completely stunned and freezed and shocked on what veronica had asked me to do for her.
I mean , I dont even talk to that "bookworm", plus that stupid is such a dumbo!!
How can she even ask me to keep him at my place!!!No way I am doing this favour of hers!!

"ash, are u fine? will you keep Andrew at your place?"asked ver

"I mean yes.. I mean no-yes..........."I didnt know what to say.

"NO or YES???!!!" now ver was louder.

" you see ver, my mom and dad would not allow any boy to just stay at our place. "

"But your mom and dad know me very well and as far as I know
they would surely allow MY cousin to stay with, then to when he is a study freak. He will surely not trouble them or come late night , drunk or anything like that!"

"Yeah are right ver. But you see , a boy who is unknown to them......."
I did not know how to make more excuses. Veronica had a point amd even I knew that if she will insist mah parents would surely allow.

"I know that you are making excuses, ash!" Said veronica , somehow reading my mind.

"Its not like that....,."

"Fine then , ash. That means you are letting him stay. Thankyou soo much darling! I'd never except you to do me such favour."

Veronica didnt lemme me speak and word a finished the conversation.

"Yah..., welcome, ver"
"Mac and cheese are readdy!!!!"
Veronica's mom shouted from the dining room . We together hopped down the stairs.

"Mom, ash is ready to keep Andrew with them"
"Oh! I knew that you would agree. Ash darling, I love you!"
"Its nothing like that, jenny! Btw ver, when are you coming back exactly??"

I needed to know coz I wanted to see , for how many days I had to tolerate that shitty person .

"We'll come back by next tuesday probably."
Today was monday.
That means 7 WHOLE DAYS!!

"Fine. Bi ver. I ll call you later." I said hugging her and kissing jenny
" ash !! See ya!!!

"Mom , how can you allow???'"

I was shocked. Mom and dad allowed Andrew to stay with us. I mean in one go. I knew that they liked veronica a lot, but I didnt knew soo much. Like she just requested once and they are READY!

"Come on ash!! Ver is your best mate. We can do this much for her. Its not a big deal!!"

"But mom , he is a BOY!!!!! AND THAT TOO WHEN YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HIM!!!"

"U see ash, he is a bookworm kinda. So , I felt that he would neva trouble . I feel that if we allowed then, what is a BIG DEAL??"

"But dad.........."

"No more arguments I want in this house!!"


There was NO USE! I knew that they would never listen to me!
I straight away went to my room, locked the door and went straight to bed. I was completely exhausted and now my head was acheing after all that nonsense. I checked mah mobile clock. It was 8:00pm . Tomorrow morning I had to go to Veronica's place and pick up that bookworm!

So goodnight ASHLEY and dont let the bed bugs bite!!!!!x)x)x)


I chuckled and finally fell to my cozy bed and soon was fast asleep. I needed to get up at 7 tom!!
So guys hope this was a enough chap.
Will get bigger and better soon x)x)x)x)x)x)x):D:D:P:P:P

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