Chapter 6 < The day finally comes

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Ashley's POV

"Ash darling, its Veronica on the phone." My mom shouted from the ground floor making me jump and fall from my bed.
I quickly rushed downstairs.

"Hi ver Everything okay?" I asked through the phone.

"Hi ash. Come to my place at 8 am . Andrew is ready to go!" She sounded so enthusiastic but on the other hand I was nervous as hell.

"Okay." Was all I could say

" Bi see ya". She hung up.

Today was the day when Andrew was coming to my place for an entire week. Only With the thought I got butterflies in my stomach.

I was super nervous and confused as to what to say , how to react. I mean a person no a BOY was coming at my place to live for an entire week and that too when he was a complete strange.

That bastard.

I had to behave pretty friendly in front of my parents. They would definietly not allow me to call him a bookworm or to trouble him which to be honest I loved. Yeah I loved troubling people. After all I was the leader of the most troublesome group of our school. Ah!

I was finally ready.

I picked up my car keys and rushed down.

"Going to the MARKS PLACE!" I announced.

"Okay ash baby!" Mom shouted from the kitchen


After reaching my destination , I parked my car and was greeted by Jacob, Veronica's father.

"Hi jaco !" I said giving him a hyfy.

"Hi ashley!" He flashed a big smile

" I am very grateful to you that you allowed Andrew to stay with you.

"No problem." A lot of problem

After the small conversation we headed to the lounge. There were a lot of suitcases and that bastard I mean Andrew sitting on the couch. Guess what? A book in his hand with a very boring cover. I guess there must be no pictures inside it.

"Oh hey Ash.. I was waiting for you." Said veronica trying to zip up her purse.

"Yeah? Great." I replied.

Andrew didn't even look up I mean how can someone be so engrossed in a book. Yea book. I am sure he is a marsian and someone definately not from our planet.

"Now that ash is here , we should better leave. "Said jenny.

"Yes mom, you are right!" Veronica shrugged

"Andrew , get up You have to go." Jacob ordered

" Andy for gods sake go burn that !" Veronica shouted. Yeah go burn it.

He was so much into the book that he hardly listened to his family.
Finally after the shoutings he looked up.

"Oh I am so sorry. This book is pretty interesting so umn you know I was in some other world." Told you. He is a marsian.

" Anyways is that what was her name.. Ah ashley here? " he asked. Was I invisible?

" yes, I am there and I am getting late so It would be better if you get going." I said a bit rude.

Thats what you get when Ashley Willson is frustrated and confused at the same time.

"Oh!!! So its you miss! You are the one who bumped into me and always calls me bo-"

" you two can do your talks in the car ! We have to leave... bye ash .... bye andy and do not TROUBLE! " she shouted moving out.

"Yeah yeah......."he replied.
He was still reading his book due to which he stumbled on one of the suitcases and we had a good laugh on it.

Seriously a marsian.

"Ok then , lets go andrew" I said in a singing manner.

I hoped in my car with Andrew putting his bag in.

" Can I drive?" He asked with hope.
What does he think of himself?

"Dude this is merc. Its maintenance is quite expensive. I don't know if I can trust you on your driving skills." I shrugged. I loved my car and what if this marsian crashed it.?

" You can trust me." He said.

We just met yesterday.

"You gonna pay if something happens" I said getting out of the car.

" Deal" He replied.


Hey everyone. Hope you like this chapter and thanks to Zaynsgirl00001 for editing this chapter and making it so much better. As I told you its my first story so I do need help but I assure you all that after few chapters I am gonna write better. Thanks please vote and comment. I love you all.


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