Chapter 12 < Miss you?

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Andrew's pov

Last day. Today was finally the last day I had to tolerate Ashley.  For the following  week we had fights and a lot of confusion. But now that tomorrow I am  leaving , I am going to miss Ashley . Her anger , her calling me "bookworm" ,  her attitude, our fight on her project , everything. Whatever she was, but was beautiful.
Stop it Andrew. You are different. You cant have feelings for a girl. You never had a ------

I was interrupted  in by thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Should I make you pack ?"
Asked  Julie. 

"Why now? I guess I am leaving tomorrow. " I replied protesting.

"Because you are leaving in an hour! " gushed a rude voice from behind.
It was Ashley.


"You see Andrew,  I was really fed up with you. So, I gradually called Veronica to ask if she could come now and pick you up. Luckily,  she and parents were planning to leave now so their plan was placed perfectly. They agreed and will be reaching here any time. YOU BETTER PACK UP!"
She snickered.

"You could have waited. After all, it was just about 24 hours. Why to trouble uncle and aunt. Your such a troublesome creature!"

"I know... mr. Bookworm! "

With this statement , she went out of my door smashing the door on my face.
Why am I so cared about only in  a day ? After  all I wanted to get rid of her, any way. Am I getting any feelings or something? 

"Andy, I am back!" Veronica shouted from downstairs.

"Coming in 5 minutes." I answered back.

I started getting ready .  I ended up weraing a black tee  and blue denim jeans.I packed up  my lugguage,picked up my book  and rushed down.

" Hello ver. Doing well?"

"Yup!"she said playfully

"I think we should better leave now" said jaco who.was already looking tired.

"Bye everyone and I will miss you all and I am grateful to you!"

I waved them and went back.


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