Chapter 23< Jealous

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Ashley 's POV

Yesterday it was the best day of my life after a hard work of like 2 weeks. Today was my first meet with Andrew after our new friendship.
I finally found him in the field with his best friend Mason Luther as he told me. Mason was totally opposite to Andrew. He was the person who had a record in our school of having the most number of girlfriends. Like he was the best friend on a nerd?! Strange. I had met him in the band room many times but we never talked.

"Hey Andrew! "
I said in my most playful and sweet tone.

"Hi ash..." he said without even looking up.

" Hi Mason! "

"Call me mas... You? "

"Ashley Wilson. Band class? "

"Oh! Yeah... I remember you. "

"Mas, am going to my bio class... See you in the recess. " said Andrew almost ignoring me.
But, he must be busy and tired. I'll talk to him later.

"So, ash, right ?"
Said Mason turning to me after saying a boy goodbye to Andrew.

"Yups. How do you know Andrew ?"

"We were together in a project and then became friends. "
I lied.
Of course, in a one day meet I would not prefer him telling everything.

"Oh! Is that so? Because Andy never told me about you. " he said

I gave a fake smile.

"Do you know what ash ? Can I tell you something? "

"Yeah sure. "

"Look, don't freak out but everyone in our school is making humors that you like Andy. Like they were telling that "you know what, Ashley Wilson loves Andrew Marks! "
He told me.

WTF!!!! Everyone in the school was doing this???? Ridiculous. Rubbish. Weird. All in one. I didn't even know that.

"Would you mind telling me mas that who started this?"

" As per I know it was Leona. You know Leona Lewis? "

Oh of course I know her! That bitch again!! She was the one who used to be my biggest enemy. She used to envy me. Stubborn creature. She had once started a humor that "You know what Ashley Wilson is in love with Paul ..." . Luckily none believed her .

"You know anything else mas? "

" Yeah.. She was saying that she saw you waiting at his locker many times and waiting to talk to him . That is the reason she feels that you have a crush.. "

"Okay.. Thanks mas... I'll talk to you later!Byee"

"Ash, please don't tell this to anybody!"

"Yuppers.... For sure!"


It was the recess going on and I was waiting for Akira. Suddenly I got a text from her.

Need to tell you something very important... It's about Andrew. Meet me in the library in the 7th hour.

Akira was on the last table in the library. I spot her reading a book.

"Hey.. Sup?"

"Hi ash....come sit. " She said pulling out a chair for me.
I sat down as I was instructed.

" what happened? "

"Look ,ash I got go know something today from the girls when I was in the washroom. I heard them saying something ."

"What?! You are building curiosity in me. Speak up Akira! "

"It's ummm.. Actually... I heard them saying that "You know Andrew Marks? Oh! That new boy! Yes yes... You know he so hot! Many of the girls are already ready to join his football training in my class! They were saying this way they could be more close to him!! And also they could cheer him when he was playing! "

"But I don't mind, akira. Because they like him that's it. "

"No ash... You listen na... Then they said " you know Leona was even planning to propose him. And she did that yesterday! And you know what Andrew was super duper shocked but I don't know what he said. I think he said yes because today they both were together in the bio class! "

"What!!! Did Andrew do that. You are making me jealous Akira! "

"Yeah.. I understand. But just don't freak out. These are all the gossip queens of our school. They must be joking and Leona is a total idiot! Just forget about it! "

"How can I? I mean------

Just then the bell rang.

"I'll meet you in the break! Bye .Take care ash. "

" Bye. "

Are they right!? I mean it's possible. Leona was beautiful. She was rich also. Many boys were always attracted towards her. Can even Andrew get flaunted towards her?
I was thinking of all rubbish stuff in the canteen when Akira came.

"So continue..." said Akira sitting down with her burger and ham.

"yeah. So I was saying that----- Akira look over there! " I said pointing.

"What ash? Where! "

" Near the counter. It's Leona and Andrew! "

"Omg! They are together and they are buying something....I think....."

I got up from my seat and said Akira that I was done eating.

"But ash-----I mean you didn't eat anything."

"today I am not even feeling that hungry...Bye Akira. I may not come school tomorrow..." I said hiding my feelings.

With that I went out of the canteen seeing them together one last time.
I was hurt. I mean this is so stupid. She is such a dumbo!!! Leona is such a ------.......(dash dash dash)
She actually spoil my day. Today I was sooo happy! Curse you !

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