22. The end

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So sorry its been so long since an update!

Lolas p.o.v:

We got back late last night and picked Aidan up this morning, the wedding & honeymoon were amazing, I didnt want them to end they we just so fun and the honeymoon was in Bora Bora which is just so beautiful beautiful. 

Jack kissed my neck and I bit my lip, I turned around and he put me on the counter then kissed me "what was that for?" I asked "no reason, Mrs Trueblood" he whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and I smiled as he called me Mrs Trueblood.

"Im going to the warehouse, you coming?" he asked putting a top on "sure" I say grabbing my makeup bag but I noticed Jack look at his phone then clench his fists "babe whats wrong?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder "Im gonna fucking kill that son of a bitch!" he shouted chucking his phone which woke up Aidan "Jack" I say trying to grab him but he wouldn't let me touch him and I backed away then went to calm down Aidan.

After a few minutes  walked back it and he talked "Im sorry Lola but..." he put his head in his hands "but what?" I questioned sitting next to him " I need to sort out something, now" he said and grabbed my hand "Im taking you two to the warehouse and your gonna stay there while I sort this" he says standing up "but..." he cuts me off "please I know Im ruining the whole wedding and honeymoon thing but this is important baby" he says kissing my head.

We drove there in silence and when Jack tried holding my hand I pulled away. When we got there Mia came out and Jack told her to take Aidan. "What was that?" he asked as we got out and I just looked at him "listen Lola I've told you..." I cut him off "its important I know your just protecting us, its just not what I pictured after the great time we've had" he sighs "neither did I babe, once this is sorted Im staying out of shit like this" he said "you know your in a gang right?" I say smirking and he smirks "I don't mean quitting just a laying of this shit, to be with you and Aidan" he says and I kissed him "I love you" I say as he pecks my cheek "I love you too" he says and we walk in holding hands.

We said hi then the guys went to sort out whatever their gonna finish,or whoever  their gonna finish which is probably more accurate. "Do you know whats happening?" I asked Vicky as she sat down "nope, to be honest I don't even think most of the guys know whats happening its been so fucking hectic while you were away "she says as I look at the guys talking in the corner.

"Can we talk?" Jack whispers in my ear and we walk into another room "we're going now so I just wanna say I don't know how this is going to end or whats gonna happen but..." I start to get teary knowing what he is going to say and he embraces me in a hug "you know I always take this risk but you know I love you and I love Aidan so if anything does happen to me you look after him and yourself ok?" he says holding my waist "Jack its...its not just me and Aidan anymore" I say looking into his eyes "what do you mean exactly babe?" he says stepping away "I was planning on telling you tonight..." he cuts me off "your pregnant?" he says with a croak in his voice and a tear slides down my cheek as I nod, he sighs and looks at me then steps closer "Im gonna finish all this shit then its just gonna be us four ok?" he says lifting my chin up "just promise me you'll come back" I said "promise me" I demanded crying and he just looks at me "I love you" he says "no don't say that, promise me your not gonna get killed and leave me, Aidan and this baby alone" "I promise I'm coming back to all of you" he said and kissed me "now you go kill this son of a bitch and come back" I said and he smiled "how do you know its a person?" he asked "just a hunch" I said and kissed him then we walked out.

He said bye to Aidan and they left, I held back tears and thought of this baby "hey its Jack he's always gonna come home" Maria said hugging me "girls I gotta tell you something" I say sitting down.

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