Who Could It Really Be...?

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Niall's POV

I stood there, frozen, just in front of Alexa who was lying helplessly in the bed. She’s injured everywhere and I’ve caused it all that. I tried to stop the tears from falling off but then it’s too hard. The boys were right. I could be blamed by all of this. I should have listened to them instead and maybe I and Alexa are doing the things we used to do. Talking, Laughing and Singing and other stuff.

I’ve wandered my hurting eyes around the room. Zayn was sitting beside Alexa. Liam and Louis we’re beside me and Harry…

And Harry…

I stared at him longer than I did to the other lads. I am very sure that something is on his head. I can’t just say what. I followed his gaze and his eyes were onto Alexa. He then shook his head.

“I have to go home for now,” Harry said. “I’ll be changing my clothes and I’ll be back immediately,” he spoke. I looked to him as his eyes met mine. I could sense through his eyes the confusion and curiosity.

“Okay mate,” Zayn said. He was the one who I was afraid of. Zayn, since from the start, was warning me not to do anything bad to girls. And I could sense that he is so disappointed because of what had happened.

‘I’ll be back,” I heard Harry said. Then he passed by me. I looked to him and once again, his eyes met mine. I felt nervousness this time around. There is something really wrong. Then I heard the door close.

“Now,” Louis said. “Have you seen what your stubbornness had caused?” he asked as he turned to me. “That was very childish Niall. You only thought of yourself. You did not let Alexa explain her side,”

“I know I was childish,” I said. “I should have listened to you lads. If I just knew that this will happen, then maybe, I just….” I said. “I just allowed her to speak,”

“But even if you know that this is going to happen, you’ll never ever let her speak,” Louis said.

“I am so disappointed with you Niall,” Zayn said sternly. He was talking to me but his eyes were on Alexa. “I couldn’t believe that you could put so much pain to a girl who had loved you without asking for return,” he said. His eyes then looked to me. “You should realize that,”

“Niall,” Liam spoke. I looked to him. “I don’t really know what to say but then I just knew now that you we’re so different since,” he said, “I thought when Alexa came to your life, everything had changed for good. But it got worse. It was kept as a secret within you,”

“I’m sorry,” I said. I shook my head. I could feel their eyes staring at me. “I know that I was so childish. That I was acting stupid, being so hardheaded,” I added. “But now I realized what I had done and I totally regret it,”

“You’ll always feel the regret once you had seen the result of what you had done,” Louis said. “And this is the result. Alexa almost got killed from that car,”

“I know. I know,” I said. “And how I wish I could just go back and change everything that happened, earlier,”

“But then you cannot,” Liam said. “And, it will be forever inked into our minds mostly on Alexa,” he added. I understood what he had said. I know he is right.

But no matter you regret, we can’t turn back time,” Zayn said. “Everything will be written as it is,” he spoke. And I knew, they we’re all right.

Harry’s POV

I did went home as what I had just said to the lads. But after I went home and changed my clothes, I did not went back immediately to the hospital. I went straight to the office where all cars are registered and where all car plates are being registered. I want to know who owns that car. And I hope, I was wrong of who I was thinking who owns the car.

Irresistible: Book One Of One Direction Series (Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now