New York

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“Aren’t you still sure about your feelings mate?” Louis asked. Niall glanced to him and shook his head. “I don’t know really. It’s kind of weird for me,” Niall answered and took a bite of his cookie. “We have seen you last night very scared that Alexa might not come,” Zayn said. Niall glanced at him. “Yeah… sure. Of course,” Niall said. “And we think that you finally fell in love!” Harry said that made Niall grin. “But we will see about that,” Niall added. “By the way mate, you should get Alexa to come with us in U.S. It would be fantastic if she’ll come,” Liam muttered as he took a sip of his milk. “I will,” Niall said with a smile. “Oh yeah..! I almost forgot that we are heading to New York this weekend. How could I forget about that?” Louis mumbled. “I should stick some sticky notes on your cork board Louis,” Harry said with a laugh. “New York is such an amazing place. Bringing her with me and us would be romantic,” Niall said with a grin. “We can go around the city and hang out after the awards show,” Zayn said. “I’m excited,” he added. The room went silent when a voice came in to the kitchen. “So you’re talking about New York, huh?” Alexa asked as she leaned on the door of the kitchen. Everyone turned to her. Niall smiled as he saw her smile to him. He stood up and went to Alexa. “And we are planning to bring you along,” he said and kissed her on her cheek “Good Morning,” he added. Alexa smiled. “So you are planning to bring me along?” Alexa asked as she sat down to the nearest stool. “Yeah,” the boys answered in unison with a nod. “Fat chance,” Alexa said “I won’t come,”.”Oh come on! Don’t be such a party poop,” Harry said. “Sorry. It’s your thing anyway,” she said with a grin as she put milk on her glass. “You should come. We’ll perform during the awards night and we want you to be there,” Louis said. Alexa froze and pretended that she is thinking deeply then she spoke. “Still a big NO,” Alexa said and the boys sighed. “Everyone is going to look for you,” Zayn said. Alexa stopped from drinking her milk and a milk moustache was on her face. “I’m not thrilled. You know that I’m not used into spotlight. I know you guys are One Direction and Niall is my boyfriend but I would rather be who I am than be in spotlight. Some people think, once I show up in there, that I am using you guys or using Niall. You might remember what had happened last time and what it did to me,” she said and continued drinking her milk. “Could you not consider it for us? We need support,” Niall said as he put his hands around Alexa and his head on her shoulder. Alexa smiled. She tilted her head to Niall who was standing behind. “I’m not really sure. I am afraid.” She said as she was shaking her head off. “Aww, that’s sad,” Liam said with a frown. Alexa smiled. “But we need an escort,” Zayn said. “I’m only one. I can’t just chop myself so that I could pair myself up to each one of you and glue myself back on,” Alexa joked. “Pretty please, please, please?” Niall said that made Alexa laugh. “I bet Niall’s going to win you over with that,” Harry teased. “Pretty please, please, please?” Niall asked again and this time with a puppy eyes. Alexa turned to Niall who was standing behind and laughed. “Stop doing that!” she said and kissed him on his lips. “OHH! That is intense!”  Liam said. “That is the real girlfriend,” Harry said. “So now, will you come?” Niall asked. Alexa turned her head to the boys and they we’re having puppy eyes again and she then nodded. “You must be thankful that I love you that much boys,” she said. “Yay!” the boys screamed and Niall hugged her.

“Say hello to New York!” Liam screamed into the flat that is as big as a condominium unit and has 6 rooms in it. “Whoa! Check at that,” Harry said as he was peeking on the window. Alexa came to him and peeked as well. “New York is such a lovely place for me. I’ve been here few times,” Alexa shared. “My stomach is heavily complaining about being not fed,” Niall said. Alexa grinned. “The flight attendants we’re offering you lots on the plane, but never bothered to get something to eat,” Alexa scolded. “The girlfriend is right,” Louis said “You we’re supposed to be the big eater among the five of us, but that was actually very awkward that you never ate something on the plane. Very…. Unusual,” Zayn said. Niall glanced at him. “Actually, you are the second in command of being a big eater. And on the plane, I counted five different kinds of chicken burger that you had eaten. Not wise enough,” Niall said with a wide grin. “You we’re actually watching me eat while you we’re asleep?” Zayn asked in curiosity. Niall shook his head. “Unfortunately for me, every time you eat one burger, I wake up and I know that it is a different burger because I memorized how each of it looks,” Niall explained. Alexa giggled. Liam, Louis and Harry laughed. “I’m not really sure if it is right to say this but the two of you fight like you are boyfriend-girlfriend,” Louis said then he glanced to Alexa. “I ain’t jealous,” Alexa said and laughed “But you two surpassed my expectations earlier,” she added and pulled in her baggage to her room. “I’ll be right back,” she said and entered to her room. “Anyway, shall we go out after taking care of our things?” Liam asked. “We shall,” Niall answered. Then the boys placed their bags on their rooms. Alexa came out with her clothes changed to a long sleeved one. Harry exited his room first. “You want to come with us?” He asked. “I will,” Alexa said. Then Liam came out. Then followed by Louis and then by Niall. “Zayn…?” Louis called out when Zayn hasn’t come out of his room yet. “Stuck into the mirror, I bet,” Niall said. Then Zayn exited from his room. “Mate, I heard what you had just said,” Zayn said. “Okay, enough with that boys and let us keep moving,” Alexa suggested and the boys nodded in agreement.


“I’ll just get Starbucks for us guys,” Harry said and rushed to leave. The boys we’re on the bench in the park. “We’re a bit free today again. No screaming fans. But I miss their screams,” Liam said. “You have to thank your bodyguards on that,” Alexa said. “So you enjoyed the stroll?” Niall asked as he pinched her cheeks and nose. She nodded and her grin turned into a wide smile. “But I kinda missed London,” Alexa said “New York has been a great place for me and my mom. We spend summer or Christmas vacations here,” she shared “And London is my dream place,” “And because of that, you had meet me,” Niall said that made Alexa’s smile wider. “Do you know that when we come here in New York? We rarely go out,” Liam said. “Why is that?” Alexa asked. “We get kind of lazy,” Louis answered. “That explains why,” she said. Niall held her hand. She looked to him. “I love you,” Niall mouthed. Alexa smiled widely. “Hey, I saw what you mouthed at Alexa,” Zayn said. Then Liam and Louis looked at Zayn. “What is it?” Liam asked. “Shhh…” Niall hushed as he placed his finger on his lips, giving Zayn a sign not to speak. “I think I have the right to remain silent,” Zayn said and zipped his mouth. “That is so unfair!” Louis said and pulled his hair. “HEY!” Zayn shouted. “Not the ice cream!” he added and slapped Louis’ hands away from his hair. “Zayn spent few hours to get the perfect new style for his ‘ice cream’,” Alexa said. “Exactly…! No one touches my hair except me, me and me,” Zayn said as he tried to fix his hair. “He is Zayn the vain,” Niall said and Alexa laughed. “And that is actually cute,” she said. “I need my Starbucks for that,” Liam said with a sigh and watched if Harry is coming. “The Starbucks shop is around the corner. He will be back soon,” Zayn said. “I better call him up,” Liam suggested and took his phone out and tapped some numbers. “You’re worrying too much again,” Louis said “He will never get lost. Harry is a grown up. Girls are probably around him and swooning over him,” he added. “It’s already ringing,” Liam said. “So you are calling me up?” Harry said behind them. Liam shut his phone off. Harry gave him an intense look. He was holding a tray with 6 Starbucks Cups on it. “He is,” Louis said. “Seriously, in the name of Daddy Directioner,”

Irresistible: Book One Of One Direction Series (Niall Horan Fanfic)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu