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I met up with Oliver at fourth period gym, which appeared to be one of the few classes I didn’t have with Cait Henry. He smiled so warmly at me and I knew he missed me just as much as I had missed him. I’d missed him like crazy.

            There was a new girl at the school in my math class that had head gear. I knew the two of us could have made fun of her together. I overheard a few preps saying that Lacy Shepherd might have been having a baby. There was so much and every time I wanted to turn to my side and whisper about it to Oliver, but it was always Cait Henry.

            The girl herself wasn’t too bad. She was bubbly but not so bubbly she annoyed the hell out of me. She was friendly and smiled at everyone. But the way she looked at Oliver, like she wanted his nut or something, was getting on my nerves. That was my best friend, my virgin best friend, and I just couldn’t bear the thought of…

            “Where’s it at, Roxy Cat?”

            “What’s up, Olipop?” I greeted with a grin.

He threw an arm around me in a hug. “I missed you today. School sucks without you.”

“Well, we can go and request a schedule change,” I replied. “Miss Barton’s been going on over the intercom all day about how we can request a schedule change until this Friday after school.”

Oliver made a face. “No, that’s probably not a good idea. They’d probably make it so we had no classes together, and that’s worse than just having two with each other.”

“I have to agree with you there, Oli,” I agreed.

Oliver looked around. “Where’s that Cait girl?”

“Oh, she had science this period. Thankfully. Can you believe I have English, Algebra, and History with her? It’s ridiculous,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“What, you don’t like her?” Oliver asked me.

I shrugged. “It’s not that. It’s just…weird. Like, it’s always just been you and me, you know? And now here’s Cait, just barging in…and I feel like something’s going to happen. Like, something big.”

“Yeah, the list comes out at the end of the week,” Oliver remarked.

I groaned. “You don’t care about that, too?”

“Nah,” Oliver replied with a shake of his head. “But we better get going. I hear the sophomore gym teacher is a real douche.”

Great,” I complained, dragging the word out to comical length.

Oliver laughed and linked his arm through mine, and practically dragged me into gym. I hated P.E., especially the locker room part. It wasn’t that I was uncomfortable with my body but all of the other girls looked at me and whispered about me. It was embarrassing.

Oliver left me at the girls’ locker room and went right into the boys’. I was jealous of him. He had biceps and abs to show off to the other girls. What did I have? Little boobs. It was so not fair.

I went into the girls’ locker room and went to my locker. I dressed somberly, quickly. But not quite quickly enough.

“This isn’t the boys’ locker room, dude,” someone said behind me.

I turned. Three preps stood there. All blond, dressed in the uniforms. They had rolled the waistband of their shorts to make the legs shorter to show off their perfect tan thighs. Their shirts were tied in the back with hair ties to show off part of their abdomens.

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